Cultural psychology: Beyond east and west

S Kitayama, CE Salvador - Annual Review of Psychology, 2024 -
Research in cultural psychology over the last three decades has revealed the profound
influence of culture on cognitive, emotional, and motivational processes sha** individuals …

Varieties of interdependence and the emergence of the Modern West: Toward the globalizing of psychology.

S Kitayama, CE Salvador, K Nanakdewa… - American …, 2022 -
Cultural psychology—the research field focusing on the mutual constitution of culture and
the mind—has made great strides by documenting robust cultural variations in how people …

Neither Eastern nor Western: Patterns of independence and interdependence in Mediterranean societies.

AK Uskul, A Kirchner-Häusler, VL Vignoles… - Journal of Personality …, 2023 -
Social science research has highlighted “honor” as a central value driving social behavior in
Mediterranean societies, which requires individuals to develop and protect a sense of their …

Happiness maximization is a WEIRD way of living

K Krys, O Kostoula, WAP van Tilburg… - Perspectives on …, 2024 -
Psychological science tends to treat subjective well-being and happiness synonymously.
We start from the assumption that subjective well-being is more than being happy to ask the …

Advancing equity in cross-cultural psychology: embracing diverse epistemologies and fostering collaborative practices

G Anjum, M Aziz - Frontiers in Psychology, 2024 -
Psychology, and cross-cultural psychology (CCP) in particular, plays a pivotal role in
understanding the intricate relationship between culture and human behavior. This paper …

Cultural defaults in the time of COVID: Lessons for the future

HR Markus, JL Tsai, Y Uchida… - … Science in the …, 2024 -
Five years after the beginning of the COVID pandemic, one thing is clear: The East Asian
countries of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea outperformed the United States in responding …

WEIRD–Confucian comparisons: Ongoing cultural biases in psychology's evidence base and some recommendations for improving global representation.

K Krys, I de Almeida, A Wasiel… - American Psychologist, 2024 -
The realization that most behavioral science research focuses on cultures labeled as
WEIRD—Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (Arnett, 2008; Henrich et …

Enculturating the science of international development: beyond the WEIRD independent paradigm

CC Thomas, HR Markus - Journal of Cross-Cultural …, 2023 -
Initiatives in international development and behavioral science rely predominantly on the
independent models of the self and agency that are prevalent in individualist Western …

Culture and the COVID‐19 pandemic: Multiple mechanisms and policy implications

S Kitayama, NP Camp… - Social Issues and Policy …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic has taken a massive toll on
human life worldwide. The case of the United States—the world's largest economy—is …

Are Mediterranean Societies “Cultures of Honor?”: Prevalence and Implications of a Cultural Logic of Honor Across Three World Regions

VL Vignoles, A Kirchner-Häusler… - Personality and …, 2024 -
Mediterranean societies are often labeled as “honor cultures,” in contrast with presumed
“dignity” and “face” cultures of Anglo-Western and East Asian societies. We measured these …