Designing for dissemination and sustainability to promote equitable impacts on health
Designing for dissemination and sustainability (D4DS) refers to principles and methods for
enhancing the fit between a health program, policy, or practice and the context in which it is …
enhancing the fit between a health program, policy, or practice and the context in which it is …
Barriers and enablers for the implementation of trauma-informed care in healthcare settings: a systematic review
Background Healthcare services can be re-traumatising for trauma survivors where they
trigger memories of past distressing events and exert limits to a survivor's sense of …
trigger memories of past distressing events and exert limits to a survivor's sense of …
The implementation research logic model: a method for planning, executing, reporting, and synthesizing implementation projects
Background Numerous models, frameworks, and theories exist for specific aspects of
implementation research, including for determinants, strategies, and outcomes. However …
implementation research, including for determinants, strategies, and outcomes. However …
Ten recommendations for using implementation frameworks in research and practice
Background Recent reviews of the use and application of implementation frameworks in
implementation efforts highlight the limited use of frameworks, despite the value in doing so …
implementation efforts highlight the limited use of frameworks, despite the value in doing so …
The FRAME-IS: a framework for documenting modifications to implementation strategies in healthcare
Background Implementation strategies are necessary to ensure that evidence-based
practices are successfully incorporated into routine clinical practice. Such strategies …
practices are successfully incorporated into routine clinical practice. Such strategies …
The role of the outer setting in implementation: associations between state demographic, fiscal, and policy factors and use of evidence-based treatments in mental …
Background Despite consistent recognition of their influence, empirical study of how outer
setting factors (eg, policies, financing, stakeholder relationships) influence public systems' …
setting factors (eg, policies, financing, stakeholder relationships) influence public systems' …
Where is “policy” in dissemination and implementation science? Recommendations to advance theories, models, and frameworks: EPIS as a case example
Background Implementation science aims to accelerate the public health impact of evidence-
based interventions. However, implementation science has had too little focus on the role of …
based interventions. However, implementation science has had too little focus on the role of …
Impact of a deep learning sepsis prediction model on quality of care and survival
Sepsis remains a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Algorithms that assist
with the early recognition of sepsis may improve outcomes, but relatively few studies have …
with the early recognition of sepsis may improve outcomes, but relatively few studies have …
Special education for students with autism during the COVID-19 pandemic:“Each day brings new challenges”
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) disrupted how educators provided supports and services
for students with autism spectrum disorder. School closures and related pivoting between …
for students with autism spectrum disorder. School closures and related pivoting between …
Implementation strategies for digital mental health interventions in health care settings.
US health care systems are tasked with alleviating the burden of mental health, but are
frequently underprepared and lack workforce and resource capacity to deliver services to all …
frequently underprepared and lack workforce and resource capacity to deliver services to all …