Do work-family initiatives improve employee mental health? Longitudinal evidence from a nationally representative cohort
Background Work stress and work-family conflict are important correlates of affective
disorders. The article explored (1) whether the wide adoption of work-family initiatives …
disorders. The article explored (1) whether the wide adoption of work-family initiatives …
Can teleworking improve workers' job satisfaction? Exploring the roles of gender and emotional well-being
With the rise of teleworking during the past decades, the impacts of teleworking on job
satisfaction have been extensively debated. Teleworking might benefit workers by improving …
satisfaction have been extensively debated. Teleworking might benefit workers by improving …
Mind-stimulating leisure activities: Prospective associations with health, wellbeing, and longevity
D Weziak-Bialowolska, P Bialowolski… - Frontiers in Public …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Introduction This study examines prospective associations within a 6-year perspective
between three mind-stimulating leisure activities (relaxed and solitary: reading; serious and …
between three mind-stimulating leisure activities (relaxed and solitary: reading; serious and …
Work schedule control and allostatic load biomarkers: disparities between and within gender
Work schedule control has been linked to self-reported mental health, a measure that may
suffer recall, social desirability, and common-method variance biases. The study proposes …
suffer recall, social desirability, and common-method variance biases. The study proposes …
Double jeopardy: The roles of job autonomy and spousal gender ideology in employed women's mental health
Employed women persistently suffer in mental health despite more family-friendly
workplaces. The job demand-control theory argues that employed women's mental health …
workplaces. The job demand-control theory argues that employed women's mental health …
Hand hygiene and mask-wearing practices during COVID-19 among healthcare workers: misinformation as a predictor
Poor public health information is a hurdle in infectious disease control. The study aims to
examine whether healthcare workers adhere to hand hygiene and mask-wearing guidelines …
examine whether healthcare workers adhere to hand hygiene and mask-wearing guidelines …
The pivotal role of sleep in mediating the effects of life stressors and healthy habits on allostatic load in mid-life adults
Objectives We assessed the modulation of allostatic load (AL) by engagement in healthy
habits and life stressors, mediated through resilience and the perceived influence of the …
habits and life stressors, mediated through resilience and the perceived influence of the …
Exploring extrinsic and intrinsic work values of british ethnic minorities: the roles of demographic background, job characteristics and immigrant generation
S Wang, L Morav - Social Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
Despite the increasingly diverse ethnic composition of the British labor force, there is no
research investigating whether ethnic minorities have different work values from the White …
research investigating whether ethnic minorities have different work values from the White …
Work-schedule instability and workers' health and well-being across different socioeconomic strata in China
Although there is a growing body of literature on the detrimental health effects of work-
schedule instability in high-income countries (eg, the US), most studies have predominantly …
schedule instability in high-income countries (eg, the US), most studies have predominantly …
Povezanost provođenja slobodnoga vremena i rizičnih ponašanja mladih
I Blažević, N Hromin - Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis …, 2024 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti povezanost provođenja slobodnoga vremena i
rizičnih ponašanja mladih. Navedeno je ispitivano anketnim upitnikom koji je konstruiran za …
rizičnih ponašanja mladih. Navedeno je ispitivano anketnim upitnikom koji je konstruiran za …