Quantum turbulence

WF Vinen, JJ Niemela - Journal of low temperature physics, 2002 - Springer
The paper presents an extended review of our knowledge and understanding of turbulence
in a superfluid (4 He and 3 He-B), a system in which turbulent flow can be greatly influenced …

Quantum turbulence in trapped atomic Bose–Einstein condensates

MC Tsatsos, PES Tavares, A Cidrim, AR Fritsch… - Physics Reports, 2016 - Elsevier
Turbulence, the complicated fluid behavior of nonlinear and statistical nature, arises in many
physical systems across various disciplines, from tiny laboratory scales to geophysical and …

Sound emission and annihilations in a programmable quantum vortex collider

WJ Kwon, G Del Pace, K Xhani, L Galantucci… - Nature, 2021 - nature.com
In quantum fluids, the quantization of circulation forbids the diffusion of a vortex swirling flow
seen in classical viscous fluids. Yet, accelerating quantum vortices may lose their energy …

Introduction to quantum turbulence

CF Barenghi, L Skrbek, KR Sreenivasan - Proceedings of the National …, 2014 - pnas.org
The term quantum turbulence denotes the turbulent motion of quantum fluids, systems such
as superfluid helium and atomic Bose–Einstein condensates, which are characterized by …

[หนังสือ][B] Homogeneous turbulence dynamics

P Sagaut, C Cambon - 2008 - Springer
Turbulence is well known to be one of the most complex and exciting field of research, which
raises many theoretical issues and which is a key feature in a large number of application …

[หนังสือ][B] The defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation: from dark solitons to vortices and vortex rings

The phenomenon of Bose–Einstein condensation is a phase transition originally predicted
by Bose and Einstein in 1924. In particular, it was shown that below a critical temperature T …

How superfluid vortex knots untie

D Kleckner, LH Kauffman, WTM Irvine - Nature Physics, 2016 - nature.com
Knots and links often occur in physical systems, including shaken strands of rope and DNA
(ref.), as well as the more subtle structure of vortices in fluids and magnetic fields in plasmas …

[HTML][HTML] Types of quantum turbulence

CF Barenghi, HAJ Middleton-Spencer… - AVS Quantum …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
We collect and describe the observed geometrical and dynamical properties of turbulence in
quantum fluids, particularly superfluid helium and atomic condensates for which more …

Quantum turbulence: Theoretical and numerical problems

SK Nemirovskii - Physics Reports, 2013 - Elsevier
The term “quantum turbulence”(QT) unifies the wide class of phenomena where the chaotic
set of one dimensional quantized vortex filaments (vortex tangles) appear in quantum fluids …

Direct observation of Kelvin waves excited by quantized vortex reconnection

E Fonda, DP Meichle, NT Ouellette, S Hormoz… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 - pnas.org
Quantized vortices are key features of quantum fluids such as superfluid helium and Bose–
Einstein condensates. The reconnection of quantized vortices and subsequent emission of …