A theory of mobile library service delivery

SJ Saravani, G Haddow - Journal of Librarianship and …, 2017‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Research indicates there is widespread acceptance that nomadicity of library users is a
phenomenon that will continue to increase; however, mobile learning is a resource that …

Changing trends in LIS job advertisements

S Wise, M Henninger, MA Kennan - Australian academic & …, 2011‏ - Taylor & Francis
The study reported in this paper is part of a larger program of studies designed to review and
renew the curricula of Library and Information Science (LIS) and the broader Information …

Designing and evaluating library leadership programs: improving performance and effectiveness

MJ Romaniuk, K Haycock - The Australian library journal, 2011‏ - Taylor & Francis
It has become accepted wisdom that there is a shortage of leaders in the library profession.
A number of leader and leadership development programs have emerged in Australia …

Passion trumps pay: a study of the future skills requirements of information professionals in galleries, libraries, archives and museums in Australia.

K Howard, H Partridge, H Hughes, G Oliver - Information Research: An …, 2016‏ - ERIC
Introduction: This paper explores the current and future skills and knowledge requirements
of contemporary information professionals in a converged gallery, library, archive and …

Building pathways to working with collections: can internships and student work experience help?

M Hoy - Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 2011‏ - Taylor & Francis
How do internships and work experience, such as volunteering, give students a taste of the
environment in which they hope to be employed? How do they provide pathways between …

Knowledge, skills and attributes for academic reference librarians

G Haddow - Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 2012‏ - Taylor & Francis
A survey of Australian academic reference librarians was conducted as part of an
international collaboration seeking to identify the most important knowledge, skills and …

Re-conceptualising and re-positioning Australian library and information science education for the 21st century [Final Report 2011]

HL Partridge, J Hanisch, HE Hughes, M Henninger… - 2011‏ - eprints.qut.edu.au
How can Australian library and information science (LIS) education produce, in a
sustainable manner, the diverse supply of graduates with the appropriate attributes to …

An investigation of the continuing professional development practices of Indonesian academic libraries

I Maesaroh, P Genoni - Library Management, 2010‏ - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper reports on ongoing research examining the present and desired state
of academic library staff education and professional development in Indonesia. The long …

Educating cultural heritage information professionals for Australia's galleries, libraries, archives and museums: A grounded Delphi study

K Howard - 2015‏ - eprints.qut.edu.au
This research explored the knowledge, skills, qualities, and professional education needs, of
information professionals in galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM) in Australia …

[PDF][PDF] Collaboration between academics and library staff: A comparative study of two universities in Australia and Vietnam

HT Pham - Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Monash …, 2016‏ - scholar.archive.org
This research is set in the field of library and information science. It aimed to explore the
nature of the collaborative relationship between academics and library staff in universities …