Still talking to ourselves after all these years: A review of current research on private speech.
A Winsler - 2009 - psycnet.apa.org
The present chapter will take the publication date of the review by Berk (1992) as a starting
point and review developments over the past 15 years in our understanding of private …
point and review developments over the past 15 years in our understanding of private …
[PDF][PDF] A guide for naming research studies in Psychology
I Montero, OG León - International Journal of clinical and Health …, 2007 - redalyc.org
In this work, the classification system for research methods in Psychology previously
published by the authors is amplified and reviewed. We establish some cues for guiding its …
published by the authors is amplified and reviewed. We establish some cues for guiding its …
The emergence and early development of self-regulation in young children
D Whitebread, M Basilio - … , Revista de currículum y formacíon del …, 2012 - revistaseug.ugr.es
It is amply recognised in the literature that metacognitive and self-regulatory abilities are of
fundamental significance for children's general and academic development, and also, that …
fundamental significance for children's general and academic development, and also, that …
[PDF][PDF] Emergencia y desarrollo temprano de la autorregulación en niños preescolares
D Whitebread, M Basilio - … . Revista de currículum y Formación de …, 2012 - redalyc.org
Es ampliamente reconocido en la literatura que las habilidades metacognitivas y de
autorregulación son de fundamental importancia para el desarrollo general y académico de …
autorregulación son de fundamental importancia para el desarrollo general y académico de …
Digital media inhibit self-regulatory private speech use in preschool children: The “digital bubble effect”
Preschoolers spend much time with digital media and some are concerned about impacts
on language development. Private speech (PS) is self-talk children use during play …
on language development. Private speech (PS) is self-talk children use during play …
The executive functions of language in preschool children.
In this chapter, we examine how language relates to executive function (EF) in preschoolers.
EF consists of higher cognitive functions that are involved in the control of thought, action …
EF consists of higher cognitive functions that are involved in the control of thought, action …
The construction of executive function in early development: The pragmatics of action and gestures
C Rodríguez - Human Development, 2022 - karger.com
The position I take in this paper is that investigation of the construction and development of
executive function (EF) and cognitive self-regulation must give children the opportunity to …
executive function (EF) and cognitive self-regulation must give children the opportunity to …
[KNIHA][B] Handbook of self-regulatory processes in development: New directions and international perspectives
The development of self-and emotional regulatory processes helps children to regulate their
behavior based on their cultural context and to develop positive social relationships. This …
behavior based on their cultural context and to develop positive social relationships. This …
Imaginación, creatividad y fantasía en Lev S. Vygotski: una aproximación a su enfoque sociocultural
N Alessandroni - Actualidades en Psicología, 2017 - scielo.sa.cr
Este trabajo persigue dos objetivos; en primer lugar, exponer sucintamente algunas de las
características de las categorías conceptuales que constituyen el núcleo duro de los …
características de las categorías conceptuales que constituyen el núcleo duro de los …
Pointing gestures as a cognitive tool in young children: Experimental evidence
B Delgado, JC Gómez, E Sarriá - Journal of experimental child psychology, 2011 - Elsevier
This article explores the possible cognitive function associated with pointing gestures from a
Vygotskian perspective. In Study 1, 39 children who were 2–4years of age were observed in …
Vygotskian perspective. In Study 1, 39 children who were 2–4years of age were observed in …