Test case selection and prioritization using machine learning: a systematic literature review
Regression testing is an essential activity to assure that software code changes do not
adversely affect existing functionalities. With the wide adoption of Continuous Integration …
adversely affect existing functionalities. With the wide adoption of Continuous Integration …
Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration environments: A systematic map** study
Abstract Context: Continuous Integration (CI) environments allow frequent integration of
software changes, making software evolution more rapid and cost-effective. In such …
software changes, making software evolution more rapid and cost-effective. In such …
How developers engage with static analysis tools in different contexts
Automatic static analysis tools (ASATs) are instruments that support code quality
assessment by automatically detecting defects and design issues. Despite their popularity …
assessment by automatically detecting defects and design issues. Despite their popularity …
DeFlaker automatically detecting flaky tests
Developers often run tests to check that their latest changes to a code repository did not
break any previously working functionality. Ideally, any new test failures would indicate …
break any previously working functionality. Ideally, any new test failures would indicate …
Oops, my tests broke the build: An explorative analysis of travis ci with github
Continuous Integration (CI) has become a best practice of modern software development.
Yet, at present, we have a shortfall of insight into the testing practices that are common in CI …
Yet, at present, we have a shortfall of insight into the testing practices that are common in CI …
Improving the prediction of continuous integration build failures using deep learning
Continuous Integration (CI) aims at supporting developers in integrating code changes
constantly and quickly through an automated build process. However, the build process is …
constantly and quickly through an automated build process. However, the build process is …
Bears: An extensible java bug benchmark for automatic program repair studies
Benchmarks of bugs are essential to empirically evaluate automatic program repair tools. In
this paper, we present BEARS, a project for collecting and storing bugs into an extensible …
this paper, we present BEARS, a project for collecting and storing bugs into an extensible …
The impact of continuous integration on other software development practices: a large-scale empirical study
Continuous Integration (CI) has become a disruptive innovation in software development:
with proper tool support and adoption, positive effects have been demonstrated for pull …
with proper tool support and adoption, positive effects have been demonstrated for pull …
Reinforcement learning for test case prioritization
Continuous Integration (CI) significantly reduces integration problems, speeds up
development time, and shortens release time. However, it also introduces new challenges …
development time, and shortens release time. However, it also introduces new challenges …
Codit: Code editing with tree-based neural models
The way developers edit day-to-day code tends to be repetitive, often using existing code
elements. Many researchers have tried to automate repetitive code changes by learning …
elements. Many researchers have tried to automate repetitive code changes by learning …