[Књига][B] Queer in translation: Sexual politics under neoliberal Islam

E Savci - 2020 - books.google.com
In Queer in Translation, Evren Savcı analyzes the travel and translation of Western LGBT
political terminology to Turkey in order to illuminate how sexual politics have unfolded under …

[Књига][B] Violent intimacies: The trans everyday and the making of an urban world

A Zengin - 2024 - books.google.com
In Violent Intimacies, Aslı Zengin traces how trans people in Turkey creatively negotiate and
resist everyday cisheteronormative violence. Drawing on the history and ethnography of the …

[PDF][PDF] Reading the LGBT movement through its spatiality in Istanbul, Turkey

O Atalay, PL Doan - Geography Research Forum, 2019 - researchgate.net
This article reviews the development of the LGBT movement in Turkey and argues that the
existing literature provides an incomplete analysis of the relationship between this …

Remembering hope: Mediated queer futurity and counterpublics in Turkey's authoritarian times

Y Bayramoğlu - New Perspectives on Turkey, 2021 - cambridge.org
This article explores how hope and visions of the future have left their mark on media
discourse in Turkey. Looking back at some of the events that took place in the 1980s, a …

Social pathologies and urban pathogenicity: Moving towards better pandemic futures

T Atuk, SL Craddock - Urban Studies, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, we suggest rethinking how to move forward in a way that better elucidates
socio-economic and political factors driving inequities, and in turn points to more broad …

Forming brown commons through queer joy in butiki/baboy: A pride conversation series

IR Ramirez - Sexualities, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
In June 2023, Bangkô collective and Tambay Times Kids mobilized Filipino cis-heterosexual
women and LGBTQ+ individuals to converse in a gathering which they called Butiki/Baboy …

Making lesbian space at the edge of Europe: Queer spaces in Istanbul

O Atalay, PL Doan - Geographies of Sexualities, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
There is limited research regarding queer spaces in Turkey, and even less on lesbians
because women have struggled to have an active public presence in Turkey. Accordingly …

Turkey's queer times: epistemic challenges

E Savcı - New Perspectives on Turkey, 2021 - cambridge.org
This article suggests that Turkey's queer times are co-constitutive with Jasbir Puar's queer
times of homonationalism. If the queer times of homonationalism correspond to a folding of …

Digitalizing sexual citizenship: LGBTI+ resistance at digital spaces in pandemic times

O Kilic - Feminist Media Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on a digital ethnography of Istanbul Pride events in 2020 and in-depth interviews
with LGBTI+ activists from Turkey, this study examines the transformations in the sites and …

Displacing Queer Refugee Epistemologies

S Shakhsari - The Arab Studies Journal, 2020 - JSTOR