Polarity in GaN and ZnO: Theory, measurement, growth, and devices

J Zuniga-Perez, V Consonni, L Lymperakis… - Applied Physics …, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
The polar nature of the wurtzite crystalline structure of GaN and ZnO results in the existence
of a spontaneous electric polarization within these materials and their associated alloys (Ga …

Anionic and cationic substitution in ZnO

H Von Wenckstern, H Schmidt, M Brandt, A Lajn… - Progress in Solid State …, 2009 - Elsevier
In this contribution we review the impact of anionic and cationic substitutions on the
electronic properties of bulk ZnO crystals, thin films and ZnO powders. p-type do** is …

[BOK][B] The physics of semiconductors

M Grundmann - 2006 - Springer
Semiconductor electronics is commonplace in every household. Semiconductor devices
have enabled economically reasonable fiber-based optical communication, optical storage …

Bound excitons in ZnO: Structural defect complexes versus shallow impurity centers

MR Wagner, G Callsen, JS Reparaz, JH Schulze… - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
ZnO single crystals, epilayers, and nanostructures often exhibit a variety of narrow emission
lines in the spectral range between 3.33 and 3.35 eV which are commonly attributed to …

p-type behavior in Na-doped ZnO films and ZnO homojunction light-emitting diodes

SS Lin, JG Lu, ZZ Ye, HP He, XQ Gu, LX Chen… - Solid State …, 2008 - Elsevier
The authors report growth of stable Na-doped p-type ZnO films through pulsed laser
deposition. Magnetic field dependent Hall-effect measurements demonstrate the firm p-type …

Selective area growth of well-ordered ZnO nanowire arrays with controllable polarity

V Consonni, E Sarigiannidou, E Appert, A Bocheux… - ACS …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Controlling the polarity of ZnO nanowires in addition to the uniformity of their structural
morphology in terms of position, vertical alignment, length, diameter, and period is still a …

[BOK][B] Transparent semiconducting oxides: bulk crystal growth and fundamental properties

Z Galazka - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This book discusses various aspects of different bulk TSO single crystals in terms of
thermodynamics; bulk crystal growth using diverse techniques involving gas phase, solution …

Revisiting the substitutional Mg acceptor binding energy of AlN

R Ishii, A Yoshikawa, M Funato, Y Kawakami - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Bipolar (n-and p-type) electric conductivity control is at the heart of semiconductor
technologies. However, achieving such control in ultrawide-band-gap semiconductors has …

Isotopic study of Raman active phonon modes in β-Ga 2 O 3

BM Janzen, P Mazzolini, R Gillen… - Journal of Materials …, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
Holding promising applications in power electronics, the ultra-wide band gap material
gallium oxide has emerged as a vital alternative to materials like GaN and SiC. The detailed …