Recent advances in multisensor multitarget tracking using random finite set

K Da, T Li, Y Zhu, H Fan, Q Fu - Frontiers of Information Technology & …, 2021 - Springer
In this study, we provide an overview of recent advances in multisensor multitarget tracking
based on the random finite set (RFS) approach. The fusion that plays a fundamental role in …

Fusion of probability density functions

G Koliander, Y El-Laham, PM Djurić… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
Fusing probabilistic information is a fundamental task in signal and data processing with
relevance to many fields of technology and science. In this work, we investigate the fusion of …

An overview of multi-object estimation via labeled random finite set

BN Vo, BT Vo, TTD Nguyen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
This article presents the Labeled Random Finite Set (LRFS) framework for multi-object
systems–systems in which the number of objects and their states are unknown and vary …

A solution for large-scale multi-object tracking

M Beard, BT Vo, BN Vo - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2020 -
A large-scale multi-object tracker based on the generalised labeled multi-Bernoulli (GLMB)
filter is proposed. The algorithm is capable of tracking a very large, unknown and time …

Joint node selection and power allocation strategy for multitarget tracking in decentralized radar networks

M **e, W Yi, T Kirubarajan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 -
Networked radar systems have been demonstrated to offer enhanced target tracking
capabilities. An effective radar resource allocation strategy can efficiently optimize system …

Multi-sensor multi-object tracking with the generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli filter

BN Vo, BT Vo, M Beard - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2019 -
This paper proposes an efficient implementation of the multi-sensor generalized labeled
multi-Bernoulli (GLMB) filter. Like its single-sensor counterpart, such implementation …

Finite mixture modeling in time series: A survey of Bayesian filters and fusion approaches

T Li, H Liang, B **ao, Q Pan, Y He - Information Fusion, 2023 - Elsevier
From the celebrated Gaussian mixture, model averaging estimators to the cutting-edge multi-
Bernoulli mixture of various forms, finite mixture models offer a fundamental and flexible …

Partial consensus and conservative fusion of Gaussian mixtures for distributed PHD fusion

T Li, JM Corchado, S Sun - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace …, 2018 -
We propose a novel consensus notion, called “partial consensus,” for distributed Gaussian
mixture probability hypothesis density fusion based on a decentralized sensor network, in …

Distributed multi-sensor fusion of PHD filters with different sensor fields of view

W Yi, G Li, G Battistelli - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2020 -
The paper addresses the problem of distributed multi-target tracking (MTT) in a network of
sensors having different fields of view (FoVs). Probability hypothesis density (PHD) filters are …

Receive-beam resource allocation for multiple target tracking with distributed MIMO radars

M **e, W Yi, L Kong… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
A distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system is capable of tracking
multiple targets under the “defocused transmit-focused receive”(DTFR) operating mode, in …