Social enterprise–a new phenomenon in the field of economic and social welfare?

L Sepulveda - Social Policy & Administration, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Drawing upon insights from historical institutionalism, this article critically examines the
origins of social enterprise and its emergence into the mainstream policy arena. It begins by …

The 'new public governance'and employability services in an era of crisis: challenges for third sector organizations in Scotland

C Lindsay, SP Osborne, SUE Bond - Public Administration, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Third sector organizations (TSOs) have emerged as key players in the delivery of public
services to assist jobless people to improve their employability and move from welfare to …

[SÁCH][B] Getting welfare to work: Street-level governance in Australia, the UK, and the Netherlands

M Considine, JM Lewis, S O'Sullivan, E Sol - 2015 -
Getting Welfare to Work traces the radical reform of the Australian, UK, and Dutch public
employment services systems. Starting with major changes from 1998, this book examines …

Street-level bureaucracy and public policy

SR Smith - Handbook of public administration, 2012 -
management and other new public management initiatives rests on street-level bureaucrats …

The rationale for embedding ethics and public value in public administration programmes

V Fuertes - Teaching Public Administration, 2021 -
When crises occur, revisiting given knowledge and practices seems sensible and
necessary. For instance, the recent financial crisis in 2008 lead to questioning the role …

What works? Policies for employability in cities

D Adam, G Atfield, AE Green - Urban Studies, 2017 -
Employability policies targeting urban job seekers have often had a 'work first'focus on quick
job entries, neglecting sustainability and progression. This article reviews evidence on 'what …

Elite, exclusive and elusive: Transgovernmental policy networks and iterative policy transfer in the Anglosphere

T Legrand - Policy Studies, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The prominent corridor of bilateral policy transfer between Australia and the UK is
underpinned by a long-standing cultural and political proximity. While ad hoc cases of …

Disaster preparedness in social work: enhancing policy in Australian human service organisations

K Bell, H Boetto - The British Journal of Social Work, 2024 -
This article reports on a small study that aimed to enhance disaster preparedness policy in
Australian human service organisations. Adopting a transformative ecosocial lens, the …

Partners or providers? An analysis of nonprofit federal contractor performance

BM Brunjes - Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2024 -
As competition over grant funding increases, nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are
increasingly likely to enter into contracts with government agencies to ensure funding …

To move or not to move: mobility decision-making in the context of welfare conditionality and paid employment

G Marston, J Zhang, M Peterie, G Ramia, R Patulny… - Mobilities, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The mobility and agency of the unemployed have rarely been examined together in welfare
administration. Mobility research has much to offer the (im) mobility of low-skilled and …