Quantum information and algorithms for correlated quantum matter
Discoveries in quantum materials, which are characterized by the strongly quantum-
mechanical nature of electrons and atoms, have revealed exotic properties that arise from …
mechanical nature of electrons and atoms, have revealed exotic properties that arise from …
Recent developments in fractional Chern insulators
Fractional Chern insulators (FCIs) are lattice generalizations of the conventional fractional
quantum Hall effect (FQHE) in two-dimensional (2D) electron gases. They typically arise in a …
quantum Hall effect (FQHE) in two-dimensional (2D) electron gases. They typically arise in a …
Quantum coherence and correlations in quantum system
Criteria of measure quantifying quantum coherence, a unique property of quantum system,
are proposed recently. In this paper, we first give an uncertainty-like expression relating the …
are proposed recently. In this paper, we first give an uncertainty-like expression relating the …
Measurement-induced nonlocality based on the trace norm
Nonlocality is one unique property of quantum mechanics that differs from the classical
world. One of its quantifications can be properly described as the maximum global effect …
world. One of its quantifications can be properly described as the maximum global effect …
Topology and Interactions in a Frustrated Slab: Tuning from Weyl Semimetals to Fractional Chern Insulators
We show that, quite generically, a [111] slab of spin-orbit coupled pyrochlore lattice exhibits
surface states whose constant energy curves take the shape of Fermi arcs, localized to …
surface states whose constant energy curves take the shape of Fermi arcs, localized to …
Evolution equation for geometric quantum correlation measures
A simple relation is established for the evolution equation of quantum-information-
processing protocols such as quantum teleportation, remote state preparation, Bell …
processing protocols such as quantum teleportation, remote state preparation, Bell …
Model fractional chern insulators
We devise local lattice models whose ground states are model fractional Chern insulators—
Abelian and non-Abelian topologically ordered states characterized by exact ground state …
Abelian and non-Abelian topologically ordered states characterized by exact ground state …
Entanglement spectrum of su-schrieffer-heeger-hubbard model
We investigate the entanglement spectrum of the ground state of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-
Hubbard model. The topological phases of the model can be identified by degeneracy of the …
Hubbard model. The topological phases of the model can be identified by degeneracy of the …
Exact solutions of fractional Chern insulators: Interacting particles in the Hofstadter model at finite size
We show that all the bands of the Hofstadter model on the torus have an exactly flat
dispersion and Berry curvature when a special system size is chosen. This result holds for …
dispersion and Berry curvature when a special system size is chosen. This result holds for …
Bosonic Halperin (441) fractional quantum Hall effect at filling factor ν= 2/5
Quantum Hall effects with multicomponent internal degrees of freedom facilitate the
playground of novel emergent topological orders. Here, we explore the correlated …
playground of novel emergent topological orders. Here, we explore the correlated …