Up-to-five-photon upconversion from near-infrared to ultraviolet luminescence coupled to aluminum plasmonic lattices
The incorporation of upconversion luminescence (UCL) materials into various plasmonic
structures promotes light–matter interactions in nanophotonic systems. It has been …
structures promotes light–matter interactions in nanophotonic systems. It has been …
Long-range dipole–dipole interactions in a plasmonic lattice
Spontaneous emission of quantum emitters can be enhanced by increasing the local density
of optical states, whereas engineering dipole–dipole interactions requires modifying the two …
of optical states, whereas engineering dipole–dipole interactions requires modifying the two …
Amplified plasmonic forces from DNA origami-scaffolded single dyes in nanogaps
Develo** highly enhanced plasmonic nanocavities allows direct observation of light–
matter interactions at the nanoscale. With DNA origami, the ability to precisely nanoposition …
matter interactions at the nanoscale. With DNA origami, the ability to precisely nanoposition …
Plasmon‐Molecule Interactions in Single‐Molecule Junctions
Single‐molecule optoelectronics offers opportunities for advancing integrated photonics and
electronics, which also serves as a tool to elucidate the underlying mechanism of light …
electronics, which also serves as a tool to elucidate the underlying mechanism of light …
Experimental evidence of Förster energy transfer enhancement in the near field through engineered metamaterial surface waves
Plasmonics has been demonstrated to provide fine tuning of the emission properties of
single quantum sources (brightness, polarization, directivity, spectrum, lifetime…). However …
single quantum sources (brightness, polarization, directivity, spectrum, lifetime…). However …
Long-Range and High-Efficiency Plasmon-Assisted Förster Resonance Energy Transfer
The development of a long-range and efficient Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
process is essential for its application in key enabling optoelectronic and sensing …
process is essential for its application in key enabling optoelectronic and sensing …
Observation of quasi-invariant photocarrier lifetimes in PbS nanocrystal assemblies coupled to resonant and nonresonant arrays of optical antennas
P He, A Caillas, G Boulliard, I Hamdi, P Filloux… - ACS …, 2024 - ACS Publications
We examine, in the time domain, the influence of Au antenna arrays (ie, metasurfaces) on
thin films of near-infrared PbS nanocrystals that mutually interact via Förster resonance …
thin films of near-infrared PbS nanocrystals that mutually interact via Förster resonance …
Palladium zinc nanocrystals: nanoscale amalgamation enables multifunctional intermetallic colloids
O Yarema, A Moser, CW Chang… - Advanced Functional …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Intermetallic nanocrystals are emerging materials for energy, catalysis, and biomedical
applications, but combining two or more metals at the nanoscale remains challenging. The …
applications, but combining two or more metals at the nanoscale remains challenging. The …
Transferable Optical Enhancement Nanostructures by Gapless Stencil Lithography
Optical spectroscopy techniques are central for the characterization of two-dimensional (2D)
quantum materials. However, the reduced volume of atomically thin samples often results in …
quantum materials. However, the reduced volume of atomically thin samples often results in …
Resonance plasmonic coupling: selective enhancement of band edge emission over trap state emission of CdSe quantum dots
The photoluminescence properties of quantum dots (QDs) are often enhanced by
eliminating surface trap states through chemical methods. Alternatively, a physical approach …
eliminating surface trap states through chemical methods. Alternatively, a physical approach …