The impact of social determinants of health on the overall wellbeing of children: A review for the pediatric surgeon
Disparities in health care access, quality, and outcomes for pediatric patients, and their
relationship to race and socioeconomic status (SES) have been extensively documented …
relationship to race and socioeconomic status (SES) have been extensively documented …
Interactions between children, parents and nurses during postoperative pain management: A grounded theory study
E Bakir, M Briggs… - Journal of Clinical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Aim To explore the interactions between children, parents and nurses during postoperative
pain management. Background Despite the growing evidence relating to postoperative pain …
pain management. Background Despite the growing evidence relating to postoperative pain …
Effects of educational video on pre-operative anxiety in children-a randomized controlled trial
V Härter, C Barkmann, C Wiessner… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
Objective: Audio-visual interventions have been used to provide relevant patient information
to reduce pre-operative anxiety in children. The aim of the study was to investigate whether …
to reduce pre-operative anxiety in children. The aim of the study was to investigate whether …
Readability of patient educational materials in pediatric orthopaedics
Background: Parents are increasingly turning to the internet to seek pediatric health
information. Numerous organizations advise that patient educational materials (PEMs) …
information. Numerous organizations advise that patient educational materials (PEMs) …
[HTML][HTML] Effectiveness of a mobile app intervention for preparing preschool children and parents for day surgery: randomized controlled trial
H Kerimaa, M Hakala, M Haapea, H Vähänikkilä… - Journal of Medical …, 2023 -
Background Day surgery allows families to return home quickly. Only a few approaches to
preparing for day surgery have demonstrated how digital solutions can support families and …
preparing for day surgery have demonstrated how digital solutions can support families and …
[HTML][HTML] Nursing evaluation of pediatric preoperative anxiety: a qualitative study
C Jerez Molina, L Lahuerta Valls… - … Latino-Americana de …, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: to explore and describe how perioperative nurses assess and interpret the child's
behavior before entering the operating room, identifying the strategies they use to reduce …
behavior before entering the operating room, identifying the strategies they use to reduce …
[HTML][HTML] 'It is difficult for us to assess the severity!'A qualitative analysis of parents' expectations to postoperative care after ventilation tube surgery
AH Nilsen, AS Helvik, WM Thorstensen… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Objective Surgery with ventilation tubes (VT) in children suffering from otitis media with
effusion is quite common. However, the knowledge surrounding parents' expectations to the …
effusion is quite common. However, the knowledge surrounding parents' expectations to the …
[HTML][HTML] Same-day discharge after laparoscopic appendectomy for simple appendicitis in pediatric patients—Is it possible?
M Jukić, A Tesch, J Todorić, T Šušnjar, KP Milunović… - Children, 2022 -
(1) Background: One-day surgery has been widely adopted for many elective laparoscopic
procedures in pediatric patients. Recently, the same protocol has been investigated for …
procedures in pediatric patients. Recently, the same protocol has been investigated for …
Health literacy measurement in general and other populations: further initiatives and lessons learned in Europe (and beyond)
JM Pelikan, C Straßmayr… - Health literacy in clinical …, 2020 -
This chapter provides an overview of health literacy measurement initiatives with a focus on
the European Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU)–describing where measuring population …
the European Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU)–describing where measuring population …
Leikki-ikäisten lasten ja heidän vanhempiensa päiväkirurgiaan valmistaminen
H Kerimaa - 2024 -
Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja arvioida leikki-ikäisten lasten ja heidän
vanhempiensa päiväkirurgiaan valmistamista. Tutkimus koostui kolmesta osatutkimuksesta …
vanhempiensa päiväkirurgiaan valmistamista. Tutkimus koostui kolmesta osatutkimuksesta …