Quantifying plant-soil-nutrient dynamics in rangelands: Fusion of UAV hyperspectral-LiDAR, UAV multispectral-photogrammetry, and ground-based LiDAR-digital …
Rangelands cover 70% of the world's land surface, and provide critical ecosystem services
of primary production, soil carbon storage, and nutrient cycling. These ecosystem services …
of primary production, soil carbon storage, and nutrient cycling. These ecosystem services …
Hydrologic and erosion responses to wildfire along the rangeland–xeric forest continuum in the western US: a review and model of hydrologic vulnerability
CJ Williams, FB Pierson… - International Journal of …, 2014 - CSIRO Publishing
The recent increase in wildfire activity across the rangeland–xeric forest continuum in the
western United States has landscape-scale consequences in terms of runoff and erosion …
western United States has landscape-scale consequences in terms of runoff and erosion …
Unfamiliar territory: Emerging themes for ecological drought research and management
Novel forms of drought are emerging globally, due to climate change, shifting teleconnection
patterns, expanding human water use, and a history of human influence on the environment …
patterns, expanding human water use, and a history of human influence on the environment …
Thresholds and hotspots for shrub restoration following a heterogeneous megafire
Context Reestablishing foundational plant species through aerial seeding is an essential yet
challenging step for restoring the vast semiarid landscapes impacted by plant invasions and …
challenging step for restoring the vast semiarid landscapes impacted by plant invasions and …
The state of wildfire and bushfire science: Temporal trends, research divisions and knowledge gaps
Along with the increase in the frequency of disastrous wildfires and bushfires around the
world during the recent decades, scholarly research efforts have also intensified in this …
world during the recent decades, scholarly research efforts have also intensified in this …
Woody plant encroachment of grassland and the reversibility of shrub dominance: Erosion, fire, and feedback processes
Many grass‐dominated ecosystems in dryland regions have experienced increasing woody
plant density and abundance during the past century. In many cases, this process has led to …
plant density and abundance during the past century. In many cases, this process has led to …
Geomorphic and land cover identification of dust sources in the eastern Great Basin of Utah, USA
This study identifies anthropogenically disturbed areas and barren playa surfaces as the two
primary dust source types that repeatedly contribute to dust storm events in the eastern …
primary dust source types that repeatedly contribute to dust storm events in the eastern …
Ten‐year ecological responses to fuel treatments within semiarid Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems
Sagebrush ecosystems of western North America are threatened by invasive annual
grasses and wildfires that can remove fire‐intolerant shrubs for decades. Fuel reduction …
grasses and wildfires that can remove fire‐intolerant shrubs for decades. Fuel reduction …
High fire frequency reduces soil fertility underneath woody plant canopies of Mediterranean ecosystems
Spatial heterogeneity of soil properties plays a major role in regulating ecosystem structure
and functioning. In general, soil resources accumulate beneath woody plant-covered …
and functioning. In general, soil resources accumulate beneath woody plant-covered …
Plant Community Resistance to Invasion by Bromus Species: The Roles of Community Attributes, Bromus Interactions with Plant Communities, and Bromus Traits
JC Chambers, MJ Germino, J Belnap… - Exotic brome-grasses in …, 2016 - Springer
The factors that determine plant community resistance to exotic annual Bromus species
(Bromus hereafter) are diverse and context specific. They are influenced by the …
(Bromus hereafter) are diverse and context specific. They are influenced by the …