Particle segregation in dense granular flows

JMNT Gray - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2018 -
Granular materials composed of particles with differing grain sizes, densities, shapes, or
surface properties may experience unexpected segregation during flow. This review focuses …

Modeling segregation in granular flows

PB Umbanhowar, RM Lueptow… - Annual review of …, 2019 -
Accurate continuum models of flow and segregation of dense granular flows are now
possible. This is the result of extensive comparisons, over the last several years, of computer …

Grain‐size segregation and levee formation in geophysical mass flows

CG Johnson, BP Kokelaar, RM Iverson… - Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Data from large‐scale debris‐flow experiments are combined with modeling of particle‐size
segregation to explain the formation of lateral levees enriched in coarse grains. The …

Modelling size segregation of granular materials: the roles of segregation, advection and diffusion

Y Fan, CP Schlick, PB Umbanhowar… - Journal of fluid …, 2014 -
Predicting segregation of granular materials composed of different-sized particles is a
challenging problem. In this paper, we develop and implement a theoretical model that …

Underlying asymmetry within particle size segregation

K van der Vaart, P Gajjar, G Epely-Chauvin, N Andreini… - Physical review …, 2015 - APS
We experimentally study particle scale dynamics during segregation of a bidisperse mixture
under oscillatory shear. Large and small particles show an underlying asymmetry that is …

Coupling rheology and segregation in granular flows

T Barker, M Rauter, ESF Maguire… - Journal of Fluid …, 2021 -
During the last fifteen years there has been a paradigm shift in the continuum modelling of
granular materials; most notably with the development of rheological models, such as the …

Modeling of particle size segregation: calibration using the discrete particle method

A Thornton, T Weinhart, S Luding… - International journal of …, 2012 - World Scientific
Over the last 25 years a lot of work has been undertaken on constructing continuum models
for segregation of particles of different sizes. We focus on one model that is designed to …

Multi-component particle-size segregation in shallow granular avalanches

J Gray, C Ancey - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011 -
A general continuum theory for particle-size segregation and diffusive remixing in
polydisperse granular avalanches is formulated using mixture theory. Comparisons are …

River-bed armouring as a granular segregation phenomenon

B Ferdowsi, CP Ortiz, M Houssais… - Nature …, 2017 -
River bed-load transport is a kind of dense granular flow, and such flows are known to
segregate grains. While gravel-river beds typically have an “armoured” layer of coarse …

A mechanical model for phase separation in debris flow

SP Pudasaini, JT Fischer - International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020 - Elsevier
Understanding the physics of phase separation between solid and fluid phases as a mixture
mass moves down-slope is a long-standing challenge. Here, we propose an extension of a …