Is the loss of A ustralian digging mammals contributing to a deterioration in ecosystem function?
Despite once being described as common, digging mammal species have been lost from
the Australian landscape over the last 200 years. Around half of digging mammal species …
the Australian landscape over the last 200 years. Around half of digging mammal species …
Estimation of intrinsic water-use efficiency from δ13C signature of C3 leaves: Assumptions and uncertainty
Carbon isotope composition (δ13C) has been widely used to estimate the intrinsic water-use
efficiency (iWUE) of plants in ecosystems around the world, providing an ultimate record of …
efficiency (iWUE) of plants in ecosystems around the world, providing an ultimate record of …
Refining the cheatgrass–fire cycle in the Great Basin: Precipitation timing and fine fuel composition predict wildfire trends
Larger, more frequent wildfires in arid and semi‐arid ecosystems have been associated with
invasion by non‐native annual grasses, yet a complete understanding of fine fuel …
invasion by non‐native annual grasses, yet a complete understanding of fine fuel …
Effects of litter on seedling establishment in natural and semi‐natural grasslands: a meta‐analysis
Plant litter is a key component in terrestrial ecosystems. It plays a major role in nutrient
cycles and community organization. Land use and climate change may change the …
cycles and community organization. Land use and climate change may change the …
Restorative removal of plant litter and vegetation 40 years after abandonment enhances re-emergence of steppe grassland vegetation
The accumulation of biomass and of dead plant remains is a direct consequence of
grassland abandonment. Litter can occupy potential microsites for seed germination and …
grassland abandonment. Litter can occupy potential microsites for seed germination and …
Effects of bryophytes and grass litter on seedling emergence vary by vertical seed position and seed size
Establishment of plants through seeds is often constrained by the quality of microsites, which
is in part controlled by the nature and amount of ground cover. The latter consists of living …
is in part controlled by the nature and amount of ground cover. The latter consists of living …
Grass litter is a natural seed trap in long‐term undisturbed grassland
Questions Litter quantity in grasslands is highly affected by disturbance regime and
influences seed recruitment of constituent species through different mechanisms. Does litter …
influences seed recruitment of constituent species through different mechanisms. Does litter …
Non-native species litter reduces germination and growth of resident forbs and grasses: allelopathic, osmotic or mechanical effects?
Non-native plant species may contain allelopathic substances that might help to out-
compete native vegetation. These allelochemicals may be released from live or dead plant …
compete native vegetation. These allelochemicals may be released from live or dead plant …
Effects of altitude and livestock on the regeneration of two tree line forming Polylepis species in Ecuador
Regeneration is known to be limited at many temperate tree lines, but very little data is
available on the impacts of altitude and anthropogenic disturbance on regeneration patterns …
available on the impacts of altitude and anthropogenic disturbance on regeneration patterns …
Litter and graminoid biomass accumulation suppresses weedy forbs in grassland restoration
Accumulated biomass of sown species and litter plays an important role in success of
restoration projects. We studied the effects of litter and graminoid biomass on species …
restoration projects. We studied the effects of litter and graminoid biomass on species …