A guide to thymic selection of T cells

KM Ashby, KA Hogquist - Nature Reviews Immunology, 2024‏ - nature.com
The thymus is an evolutionarily conserved organ that supports the development of T cells.
Not only does the thymic environment support the rearrangement and expression of diverse …

T-cell tolerance: central and peripheral

Y **ng, KA Hogquist - Cold Spring Harbor perspectives …, 2012‏ - cshperspectives.cshlp.org
Somatic recombination of TCR genes in immature thymocytes results in some cells with
useful TCR specificities, but also many with useless or potentially self-reactive specificities …

Chlorotoxin-directed CAR T cells for specific and effective targeting of glioblastoma

D Wang, R Starr, WC Chang, B Aguilar… - Science translational …, 2020‏ - science.org
Although chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells have demonstrated signs of antitumor
activity against glioblastoma (GBM), tumor heterogeneity remains a critical challenge. To …

A reappraisal of CTLA-4 checkpoint blockade in cancer immunotherapy

X Du, F Tang, M Liu, J Su, Y Zhang, W Wu… - Cell research, 2018‏ - nature.com
It is assumed that anti-CTLA-4 antibodies cause tumor rejection by blocking negative
signaling from B7-CTLA-4 interactions. Surprisingly, at concentrations considerably higher …

Lymphoproliferative Disorders with Early Lethality in Mice Deficient in Ctla-4

P Waterhouse, JM Penninger, E Timms, A Wakeham… - Science, 1995‏ - science.org
The role of the cell-surface molecule CTLA-4 in the regulation of T cell activation has been
controversial. Here, lymph nodes and spleens of CTLA-4-deficient mice accumulated T cell …

Expression of the PD-1 antigen on the surface of stimulated mouse T and B lymphocytes

Y Agata, A Kawasaki, H Nishimura… - International …, 1996‏ - academic.oup.com
A mAb J43 has been produced against the product of the mouse PD-1 gene, a member of
the Ig gene superfamily, which was previously isolated from an apoptosis-induced T cell …

Positive and negative selection of T cells

TK Starr, SC Jameson… - Annual review of …, 2003‏ - annualreviews.org
A functional immune system requires the selection of T lymphocytes expressing receptors
that are major histocompatibility complex restricted but tolerant to self-antigens. This …

CD5 expression is developmentally regulated by T cell receptor (TCR) signals and TCR avidity

HS Azzam, A Grinberg, K Lui, H Shen… - Journal of Experimental …, 1998‏ - rupress.org
Recent data indicate that the cell surface glycoprotein CD5 functions as a negative regulator
of T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated signaling. In this study, we examined the regulation of …

Direct presentation of inflammation-associated self-antigens by thymic innate-like T cells induces elimination of autoreactive CD8+ thymocytes

Y You, J Dunst, K Ye, PA Sandoz, A Reinhardt… - Nature …, 2024‏ - nature.com
Upregulation of diverse self-antigens that constitute components of the inflammatory
response overlaps spatially and temporally with the emergence of pathogen-derived foreign …

How autoreactive thymocytes differentiate into regulatory versus effector CD4+ T cells after avoiding clonal deletion

X Tai, A Indart, M Rojano, J Guo, N Apenes… - Nature …, 2023‏ - nature.com
Thymocytes bearing autoreactive T cell receptors (TCRs) are agonist-signaled by TCR/co-
stimulatory molecules to either undergo clonal deletion or to differentiate into specialized …