Identification of giant gourami iridovirus (GGIV): a new infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) from natural outbreak in cultured Osphronemus goramy
Megalocytivirus of family Iridoviridae has been identified as a pathogen that caused the fatal
systemic infection to lead to massive death of numerous fish species in both ornamental and …
systemic infection to lead to massive death of numerous fish species in both ornamental and …
Survey on egg and fry production of giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy): Current rearing practices and recommendations for future research
Giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) is one of the main freshwater fish of economic
importance in Indonesia. Although this species has been reared for decades, particularly in …
importance in Indonesia. Although this species has been reared for decades, particularly in …
Gender identification in farmed giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy): A methodology for better broodstock management
The giant gourami Osphronemus goramy Lacepède (1801) is one of the main freshwater
commodities of economic importance in Indonesia. This species has been produced in small …
commodities of economic importance in Indonesia. This species has been produced in small …
Analysis of Pond Land Suitability for Catfish Cultivation using GIS in Padang City
S Aisyah, A Munzir… - … of Management and …, 2020 -
The pond land suitability in a fish cultivation business is very necessary to be considered to
increase the catfish production in Padang city suitability can be done based on 2 aspects, ie …
increase the catfish production in Padang city suitability can be done based on 2 aspects, ie …
Seasonal variation of giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) spawning activity and egg production in aquaculture ponds
The giant gourami Osphronemus goramy Lacépède, 1801, spontaneously spawns in
captivity, making nests for egg deposition when suitable nest supports and nesting material …
captivity, making nests for egg deposition when suitable nest supports and nesting material …
Molecular characterization of four giant gourami strains from Java and Sumatra
A NURYANTO, G AMALIA, D KHAIRANI… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2018 -
Abstract Nuryanto A, Amalia G, Khairani D, Pramono H, Bhagawati D. 2018. Molecular
characterization of four giant gourami strains from Java and Sumatra. Biodiversitas 19: 578 …
characterization of four giant gourami strains from Java and Sumatra. Biodiversitas 19: 578 …
Decision support systems selection of soang superior brood using weighted product (WP) and simple additive weighting (SAW) method
R Kurniawan, AH Kridalaksana… - E3S Web of …, 2019 -
Gurame Soang Latin name Osphronomus Labirynthici gouramy including fish, that as the
fish have gills and breathing apparatus in the form of additional gills (Labyrinth). One …
fish have gills and breathing apparatus in the form of additional gills (Labyrinth). One …
[PDF][PDF] Trussmorphometric and meristic characters of kelabau fish (Osteochilus melanopleurus Bleeker, 1852) from three populations in Kampar, Siak, and Rokan …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi karakter morfometrik dan meristik ikan
kelabau dari Sungai Kampar (Desa Pelalawan), Sungai Siak (Desa Kota Garo Kecematan …
kelabau dari Sungai Kampar (Desa Pelalawan), Sungai Siak (Desa Kota Garo Kecematan …
New emerging viral disease on Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy Lac.) in Java, Indonesia
This study investigates the role of pathogens in the disease outbreaks and mass mortality
affecting giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) populations from 2018 to 2020, leading to …
affecting giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) populations from 2018 to 2020, leading to …
Morphometric analysis of three species gourami group (Osphronemidae) from Aceh waters, Indonesia
The objective of the present study was to analyze the morphometric character of the three
species within Gourami group, namely Trichopsis vittata, Trichopodus pectoralis and …
species within Gourami group, namely Trichopsis vittata, Trichopodus pectoralis and …