Identification of giant gourami iridovirus (GGIV): a new infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) from natural outbreak in cultured Osphronemus goramy

S Sukenda, L Gardenia, M Zairin Jr, A Lusiastuti… - Aquaculture …, 2020 - Springer
Megalocytivirus of family Iridoviridae has been identified as a pathogen that caused the fatal
systemic infection to lead to massive death of numerous fish species in both ornamental and …

Survey on egg and fry production of giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy): Current rearing practices and recommendations for future research

AH Kristanto, J Slembrouck, J Subagja… - Journal of the World …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) is one of the main freshwater fish of economic
importance in Indonesia. Although this species has been reared for decades, particularly in …

Gender identification in farmed giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy): A methodology for better broodstock management

J Slembrouck, OZ Arifin, S Pouil, J Subagja, A Yani… - Aquaculture, 2019 - Elsevier
The giant gourami Osphronemus goramy Lacepède (1801) is one of the main freshwater
commodities of economic importance in Indonesia. This species has been produced in small …

Analysis of Pond Land Suitability for Catfish Cultivation using GIS in Padang City

S Aisyah, A Munzir… - … of Management and …, 2020 -
The pond land suitability in a fish cultivation business is very necessary to be considered to
increase the catfish production in Padang city suitability can be done based on 2 aspects, ie …

Molecular characterization of four giant gourami strains from Java and Sumatra

A NURYANTO, G AMALIA, D KHAIRANI… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2018 -
Abstract Nuryanto A, Amalia G, Khairani D, Pramono H, Bhagawati D. 2018. Molecular
characterization of four giant gourami strains from Java and Sumatra. Biodiversitas 19: 578 …

Decision support systems selection of soang superior brood using weighted product (WP) and simple additive weighting (SAW) method

R Kurniawan, AH Kridalaksana… - E3S Web of …, 2019 -
Gurame Soang Latin name Osphronomus Labirynthici gouramy including fish, that as the
fish have gills and breathing apparatus in the form of additional gills (Labyrinth). One …

New emerging viral disease on Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy Lac.) in Java, Indonesia

T Taukhid, H Novita, T Sumiati, D Caruso… - E3S Web of …, 2023 -
This study investigates the role of pathogens in the disease outbreaks and mass mortality
affecting giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) populations from 2018 to 2020, leading to …

Morphometric analysis of three species gourami group (Osphronemidae) from Aceh waters, Indonesia

AW Perdana, AS Batubara, FM Nur… - … Series: Earth and …, 2021 -
The objective of the present study was to analyze the morphometric character of the three
species within Gourami group, namely Trichopsis vittata, Trichopodus pectoralis and …