Understanding wikipedia practices through hindi, urdu, and english takes on an evolving regional conflict

MG Hickman, V Pasad, HK Sanghavi… - Proceedings of the …, 2021‏ - dl.acm.org
Wikipedia is the product of thousands of editors working collaboratively to provide free and
up-to-date encyclopedic information to the project's users. This article asks to what degree …

Wikipedia as a space for collective and individualistic knowledge sharing

K Kukowska, S Skolik - … of the 22nd European Conference on …, 2021‏ - books.google.com
Wikipedia, an online encyclopaedia, is described as a phenomenon of global collaboration.
Previous research has focused on its largest language versions. The individual versions …

Percepciones y uso de la Wikipedia en alumnos de educación secundaria

M Cuquet, MJ García San Pedro - 2019‏ - gredos.usal.es
La Wikipedia es un recurso cada vez más usado en los procesos de aprendizaje, aunque
generalmente los alumnos sean meros consumidores. Este artículo presenta un análisis de …

[PDF][PDF] Language choice and preference in multilingual families: An analysis of code-switching between the first language and English by selected UNAM main …

MV IKALAFENG-VERBEECK - 2024‏ - repository.unam.edu.na
Namibia is a country that is rich in languages and even though English is the official
language, there are officially ten other local/indigenous languages that are spoken in the …

[PDF][PDF] Perceptions and Usage of Wikipedia among secondary education students

M Cuquet, MJG San Pedro - Education in the Knowledge Society, 2019‏ - revistas.usal.es
Wikipedia is an increasingly used resource in learning processes, even though students are
usually just consumers. This article presents an analysis of perceptions about Wikipedia …

[PDF][PDF] Language Choice between English and Finnish

K Loikkanen - 2020‏ - helda.helsinki.fi
The English language plays an increasingly important role in Finnish society and culture. A
large-scale survey into the uses of and attitudes towards English in Finland (Leppänen et al …

Mehrsprachige Wikis

A Ebersbach - 2023‏ - epub.uni-regensburg.de
Wikis sind weithin etablierte Werkzeuge im Bereich des organisationsinternen Wissensma-
nagements. Sie werden in international tätigen Unternehmen und Non-Profit …

[PDF][PDF] Geometría en la Wikipedia: La competencia digital en las matemáticas de Bachillerato

MJG San Pedro - 2018‏ - mcuquet.github.io
Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de intervención educativa para el desarrollo de la
competencia digital de los alumnos, dentro del bloque de geometría de 1º de Bachillerato, a …