The Upper Paleolithic in Mediterranean Spain: A review of current evidence
In spite of an active and sophisticated archaeological research program, the Paleolithic of
the Iberian peninsula remains comparatively little known to English-speaking prehistorians …
the Iberian peninsula remains comparatively little known to English-speaking prehistorians …
Expected trends and surprises in the Lateglacial and Holocene vegetation history of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands
Recent, high-resolution palaeoecological records are changing the traditional picture of post-
glacial vegetation succession in the Iberian Peninsula. In addition to the influence of …
glacial vegetation succession in the Iberian Peninsula. In addition to the influence of …
Steppes, savannahs, forests and phytodiversity reservoirs during the Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula
A palaeobotanical analysis of the Pleistocene floras and vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula
shows the existence of patched landscapes with Pinus woodlands, deciduous and mixed …
shows the existence of patched landscapes with Pinus woodlands, deciduous and mixed …
Big game and small prey: Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic economy from Valencia (Spain)
This study analyzes the faunal assemblages corresponding to the Middle and Upper
Paleolithic and the Early Epipaleolithic for the central Spanish Mediterranean Region dated …
Paleolithic and the Early Epipaleolithic for the central Spanish Mediterranean Region dated …
[PDF][PDF] The upper paleolithic of Iberia
LG Straus - Trabajos de prehistoria, 2018 - tp.revistas.csic.es
This article attempts to provide a relatively complete synthesis of what is currently known
about the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic and the development of human …
about the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic and the development of human …
Plant economy of hunter-gatherer groups at the end of the last Ice Age: plant macroremains from the cave of Santa Maira (Alacant, Spain) ca. 12000–9000 bp
Up till now, plant macroremains of hunter-gatherer groups at the end of the last Ice Age and
the very early Holocene have very rarely been investigated on the Iberian Peninsula and …
the very early Holocene have very rarely been investigated on the Iberian Peninsula and …
Past and present potential distribution of the Iberian Abies species: a phytogeographic approach using fossil pollen data and species distribution models
Aim Quaternary palaeopalynological records collected throughout the Iberian Peninsula and
species distribution models (SDMs) were integrated to gain a better understanding of the …
species distribution models (SDMs) were integrated to gain a better understanding of the …
[PDF][PDF] El Mesolítico geométrico de tipo “Cocina” en el País Valenciano
Se presenta un estado de la cuestión sobre la historia de los trabajos, sobre los sitios y la
documentación arqueológica y paleobiológica disponible de los últimos cazadores y …
documentación arqueológica y paleobiológica disponible de los últimos cazadores y …
Long-term socioecology and contingent landscapes
Long-term social and natural processes reciprocally interact in spatially and temporally
dynamic socioecosystems. We describe an integrated program of patch-based survey and …
dynamic socioecosystems. We describe an integrated program of patch-based survey and …
The end of the Upper Palaeolithic in the Mediterranean Basin of the Iberian Peninsula
This paper presents a synthesis of the Magdalenian in the Mediterranean Basin of the
Iberian Peninsula, with special attention to the lithic and bone/antler assemblages, rock art …
Iberian Peninsula, with special attention to the lithic and bone/antler assemblages, rock art …