Permian tetrapod extinction events
SG Lucas - Earth-Science Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
Four substantial tetrapod extinctions have been identified during the Permian, but only one
of these is an apparent mass extinction. Analyses of global compilations of the family-level …
of these is an apparent mass extinction. Analyses of global compilations of the family-level …
Morphology of the temporal skull region in tetrapods: research history, functional explanations, and a new comprehensive classification scheme
The morphology of the temporal region in the tetrapod skull traditionally has been a widely
discussed feature of vertebrate anatomy. The evolution of different temporal openings in …
discussed feature of vertebrate anatomy. The evolution of different temporal openings in …
Permian tetrapod biochronology, correlation and evolutionary events
SG Lucas - 2018 -
The most extensive Permian tetrapod (amphibian and reptile) fossil records from the western
USA (New Mexico to Texas) and South Africa have been used to define 11 land vertebrate …
USA (New Mexico to Texas) and South Africa have been used to define 11 land vertebrate …
Outline of a Permian tetrapod footprint ichnostratigraphy
S Voigt, SG Lucas - 2018 -
Tetrapod footprints are among the most common fossil remains in continental Permian strata
and thus are of biostratigraphic interest. Based on the vertical distribution of the 13 best …
and thus are of biostratigraphic interest. Based on the vertical distribution of the 13 best …
Using salamanders as model taxa to understand vertebrate feeding constraints during the late Devonian water-to-land transition
The vertebrate water-to-land transition and the rise of tetrapods brought about fundamental
changes for the groups undergoing these evolutionary changes (ie stem and early …
changes for the groups undergoing these evolutionary changes (ie stem and early …
Fossil bone histology reveals ancient origins for rapid juvenile growth in tetrapods
Patterns of growth throughout the lifetime of an animal reflect critical life history traits such as
reproductive timing, physiology, and ecological interactions. The ancestral growth pattern for …
reproductive timing, physiology, and ecological interactions. The ancestral growth pattern for …
Getting to the root of scales, feather and hair: As deep as odontodes?
While every jawed vertebrate, or its recent ancestor, possesses teeth, skin appendages are
characteristic of the living clades: skin denticles (odontodes) in chondrichthyans, dermal …
characteristic of the living clades: skin denticles (odontodes) in chondrichthyans, dermal …
[ספר][B] The Permian timescale: an introduction
SG Lucas, SZ Shen - 2018 -
The Permian timescale has developed over about two centuries of research to the current
chronostratigraphic scale advocated by the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy of …
chronostratigraphic scale advocated by the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy of …
Aquatic–terrestrial transitions of feeding systems in vertebrates: a mechanical perspective
Transitions to terrestrial environments confront ancestrally aquatic animals with several
mechanical and physiological problems owing to the different physical properties of water …
mechanical and physiological problems owing to the different physical properties of water …
Olfaction across the water–air interface in anuran amphibians
Extant anuran amphibians originate from an evolutionary intersection eventually leading to
fully terrestrial tetrapods. In many ways, they have to deal with exposure to both terrestrial …
fully terrestrial tetrapods. In many ways, they have to deal with exposure to both terrestrial …