Public administration digitalization and corruption in the EU member states. A comparative and correlative research analysis
Effective digitalization of public administrations and economies requires rethinking of how e-
government and digital services with increasing e-participation can support corruption …
government and digital services with increasing e-participation can support corruption …
Ethics of digital innovation in public administration
O Pakhnenko, Z Kuan - Business Ethics and Leadership, 2023 -
In public administration, digital technologies are considered a necessary direction of
technical modernisation, improving the work of government agencies and the quality of their …
technical modernisation, improving the work of government agencies and the quality of their …
Systematic Literature Review: Models of digital transformation in the public sector
N Novianto - Policy & Governance Review, 2023 -
Today's technological advances affect businesses and society, including the government.
The success or failure of implementation is due to the ambiguity of the strategies used and …
The success or failure of implementation is due to the ambiguity of the strategies used and …
The impact of digitalization on public administration, economic development, and well-being in the EU countries
Purpose: Digitalization has been the driving change in creating jobs and increasing
economic growth in recent years. However, the digitalization of countries and sectors is …
economic growth in recent years. However, the digitalization of countries and sectors is …
Examining the white and dark sides of digitalisation effects on corruption: unveiling research patterns and insights for future research
C Boța-Avram - The Journal of Risk Finance, 2024 -
Purpose This study aims to review the current literature on the positive and negative effects
of digitalisation in preventing corruption. It analyses existing research patterns and provides …
of digitalisation in preventing corruption. It analyses existing research patterns and provides …
Working from home arrangement in delivering public service during the COVID-19 pandemic: innovation or irritation?
The COVID-19 outbreak forced the government to impose lockdown and change working
arrangements. As a result, government employees must work from home (WFH)-a task they …
arrangements. As a result, government employees must work from home (WFH)-a task they …
Advanced modelling of the interplay between public governance and digital transformation: New empirical evidence from structural equation modelling and Gaussian …
The research conducted in this paper aims to appraise the interlinkages between public
governance and digital transformation at the level of the European Union. We employ two …
governance and digital transformation at the level of the European Union. We employ two …
Social protection in Europe, a comparative and correlative research.
The involvement of the state in the market economy through the redistribution of welfare is
necessary for moral and economic reasons. The need for a system of social protection is …
necessary for moral and economic reasons. The need for a system of social protection is …
Examining the linkages between digitalisation, public service delivery and corruption in Ghana
Purpose This study aims to examine the linkages between digitalisation, public service
delivery and corruption in Ghana using survey data from 121 respondents in Ghana. The …
delivery and corruption in Ghana using survey data from 121 respondents in Ghana. The …
E-governance and integration in the European union
The research here presented aims to analyze the global impact of e-governance in the
European Union. It focuses on the long-term development of the European Union following …
European Union. It focuses on the long-term development of the European Union following …