Meta‐analysis supports further refinement of eDNA for monitoring aquatic species‐specific abundance in nature
The use of eDNA to detect the presence/absence of rare or invasive species is well
documented and its use in biodiversity monitoring is expanding. Preliminary laboratory …
documented and its use in biodiversity monitoring is expanding. Preliminary laboratory …
The importance of considering genetic diversity in shark and ray conservation policies
Many populations of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) are experiencing severe declines
due to the high demand for shark fins in Asia, the activities of unregulated fisheries, and …
due to the high demand for shark fins in Asia, the activities of unregulated fisheries, and …
The relationship between eDNA particle concentration and organism abundance in nature is strengthened by allometric scaling
Organism abundance is a critical parameter in ecology, but its estimation is often
challenging. Approaches utilizing eDNA to indirectly estimate abundance have recently …
challenging. Approaches utilizing eDNA to indirectly estimate abundance have recently …
Integrating physiology and environmental dynamics to operationalize environmental DNA (eDNA) as a means to monitor freshwater macro‐organism abundance
Research has demonstrated consistent positive correlations between organism abundance
and absolute environmental DNA (eDNA) concentrations. Robust correlations in laboratory …
and absolute environmental DNA (eDNA) concentrations. Robust correlations in laboratory …
Estimating effective population size of large marine populations, is it feasible?
F Marandel, P Lorance, O Berthelé… - Fish and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Sustainable exploitation of marine populations is a challenging task relying on information
about their current and past abundance. Fisheries‐related data can be scarce and …
about their current and past abundance. Fisheries‐related data can be scarce and …
[HTML][HTML] On the feasibility of estimating contemporary effective population size (Ne) for genetic conservation and monitoring of forest trees
Estimates of contemporary effective population size (N e) can provide valuable information
for genetic conservation and monitoring, pinpointing populations at higher risk of genetic …
for genetic conservation and monitoring, pinpointing populations at higher risk of genetic …
Unlocking the potential of ancient fish DNA in the genomic era
Fish are the most diverse group of vertebrates, fulfil important ecological functions and are of
significant economic interest for aquaculture and wild fisheries. Advances in DNA extraction …
significant economic interest for aquaculture and wild fisheries. Advances in DNA extraction …
Shark research: emerging technologies and applications for the field and laboratory
Over the last decade, the study of shark biology has benefited from the development,
refinement, and rapid expansion of novel techniques and advances in technology. These …
refinement, and rapid expansion of novel techniques and advances in technology. These …
[HTML][HTML] Using species connectivity to achieve coordinated large-scale marine conservation efforts in the Red Sea
In the face of increasing anthropogenic threats, coastal nations need to reach common
ground for effective marine conservation. Understanding species' connectivity can reveal …
ground for effective marine conservation. Understanding species' connectivity can reveal …
Population structure, connectivity, and demographic history of an apex marine predator, the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas
Abstract Knowledge of population structure, connectivity, and effective population size
remains limited for many marine apex predators, including the bull shark Carcharhinus …
remains limited for many marine apex predators, including the bull shark Carcharhinus …