Quantum computing for chemistry and physics applications from a Monte Carlo perspective

G Mazzola - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
This Perspective focuses on the several overlaps between quantum algorithms and Monte
Carlo methods in the domains of physics and chemistry. We will analyze the challenges and …

Reducing the runtime of fault-tolerant quantum simulations in chemistry through symmetry-compressed double factorization

D Rocca, CL Cortes, JF Gonthier… - Journal of Chemical …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Quantum phase estimation based on qubitization is the state-of-the-art fault-tolerant
quantum algorithm for computing ground-state energies in chemical applications. In this …

Enhancing initial state overlap through orbital optimization for faster molecular electronic ground-state energy estimation

PJ Ollitrault, CL Cortes, JF Gonthier, RM Parrish… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
The phase estimation algorithm is crucial for computing the ground-state energy of a
molecular electronic Hamiltonian on a quantum computer. Its efficiency depends on the …

Quantum utility–definition and assessment of a practical quantum advantage

N Herrmann, D Arya, MW Doherty… - 2023 IEEE …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Several benchmarks have been proposed to holistically measure quantum computing
performance. While some have focused on the end user's perspective (eg, in application …

Tailored and externally corrected coupled cluster with quantum inputs

M Scheurer, GLR Anselmetti, O Oumarou… - Journal of Chemical …, 2024 - ACS Publications
We propose to use wave function overlaps obtained from a quantum computer as inputs for
the classical split-amplitude techniques, tailored and externally corrected coupled cluster, to …

Block-invariant symmetry shift: Preprocessing technique for second-quantized hamiltonians to improve their decompositions to linear combination of unitaries

I Loaiza, AF Izmaylov - Journal of Chemical Theory and …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Computational cost of energy estimation for molecular electronic Hamiltonians via quantum
phase estimation (QPE) grows with the difference between the largest and smallest …

Assessing the query complexity limits of quantum phase estimation using symmetry-aware spectral bounds

CL Cortes, D Rocca, JF Gonthier, PJ Ollitrault… - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
The computational cost of quantum algorithms for physics and chemistry is closely linked to
the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, a property that manifests in the necessary rescaling of its …

Quantum simulation of realistic materials in first quantization using non-local pseudopotentials

DW Berry, NC Rubin, AO Elnabawy, G Ahlers… - npj Quantum …, 2024 - nature.com
This paper improves and demonstrates the usefulness of the first quantized plane-wave
algorithms for the quantum simulation of electronic structure. We describe our quantum …

Non-unitary Trotter circuits for imaginary time evolution

C Leadbeater, N Fitzpatrick, DM Ramo… - Quantum Science and …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
We propose an imaginary time equivalent of the well-established Pauli gadget primitive for
Trotter-decomposed real time evolution, using mid-circuit measurements on a single ancilla …

Estimation of electrostatic interaction energies on a trapped-ion quantum computer

PJ Ollitrault, M Loipersberger, RM Parrish… - ACS Central …, 2024 - ACS Publications
We present the first hardware implementation of electrostatic interaction energies by using a
trapped-ion quantum computer. As test system for our computation, we focus on the …