Production and preservation of resins–past and present

LJ Seyfullah, C Beimforde, J Dal Corso… - Biological …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Amber is fossilised plant resin. It can be used to provide insights into the terrestrial
conditions at the time the original resin was exuded. Amber research thus can inform many …

Are insects heading toward their first mass extinction? Distinguishing turnover from crises in their fossil record

SR Schachat, CC Labandeira - Annals of the Entomological …, 2021 -
Time and again, over hundreds of millions of years, environmental disturbances have
caused mass extinctions of animals ranging from reptiles to corals. The anthropogenic loss …

Multiple negative carbon-isotope excursions during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (Late Triassic)

J Dal Corso, P Gianolla, M Rigo, M Franceschi… - Earth-Science …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Carnian Pluvial Episode was a phase of global climatic change and biotic
turnover that occurred during the early Late Triassic. In marine sedimentary basins, the …

Biosedimentological features of major microbe-metazoan transitions (MMTs) from Precambrian to Cenozoic

ZQ Chen, C Tu, Y Pei, J Ogg, Y Fang, S Wu… - Earth-Science …, 2019 - Elsevier
Biotic activities are involved in almost all sedimentation processes throughout the
evolutionary history of life on our planet. However, deep-time organism-induced …

The Late Triassic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian boundary: Biotic evidence and geochemical signature

M Rigo, T Onoue, LH Tanner, SG Lucas, L Godfrey… - Earth-Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
The latest Triassic was an interval of prolonged biotic extinction culminating in the end-
Triassic Extinction (ETE). The ETE is now associated with a perturbation of the global carbon …

Palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate changes across the Triassic–Jurassic transition in the Sichuan Basin, China

L Li, Y Wang, WM Kürschner, M Ruhl… - Palaeogeography …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The Triassic–Jurassic transition interval is marked by enhanced biotic turnover
rates in both marine and terrestrial realms. However, limited data from Asia hampers the …

Pseudosuchian thermometabolism: A review of the past two decades

MG Faure‐Brac - The Anatomical Record, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Pseudosuchia, one of the two main clades of Archosauria, is today only represented by
some 20 extant species, the crocodilians, representing only a fraction of its extinct diversity …

" Short" or" long" Rhaetian? Astronomical calibration of Austrian key sections

B Galbrun, S Boulila, L Krystyn, S Richoz… - Global and Planetary …, 2020 - Elsevier
The establishment of the Late Triassic time scale has given rise to considerable controversy,
particularly regarding the Rhaetian duration and the inferred absolute age models. In this …

Evolution and systematics of the Aculeata and kin (Hymenoptera), with emphasis on the ants (Formicoidea:†@@@ idae fam. nov., Formicidae)

BE Boudinot, Z Khouri, A Richter, ZH Griebenow… - BioRxiv, 2022 -
Fossils provide unique opportunity to understand the tempo and mode of evolution and are
essential for modeling the history of lineage diversification. Here, we interrogate the …

A high-precision U–Pb zircon age constraints the timing of the faunistic and palynofloristic events of the Carnian Ischigualasto Formation, San Juan, Argentina

C Colombi, RN Martínez, SN Césari, O Alcober… - Journal of South …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Late Triassic represents records many of the most critical biotic crises in life-
history (from Carnian to the end-Triassic extinction, ETE). Some hypotheses propose that …