Investigating the effects of design-based STEM learning on primary students' STEM creativity and epistemic beliefs
Integrated STEM education has been the focus of recent curriculum reforms worldwide.
Learning through design is a distinctive and significant approach to achieving STEM …
Learning through design is a distinctive and significant approach to achieving STEM …
[CARTE][B] Feng shui: Teaching about science and pseudoscience
MR Matthews - 2019 - Springer
Feng shui (pronounced fung shway) has medical, health, architecture, construction, design,
and divination components. It is part of a widespread, long-standing, deeply entrenched …
and divination components. It is part of a widespread, long-standing, deeply entrenched …
Investigating the effect of NOS question type on students' NOS responses
While the importance of explicit and reflective NOS instruction is clear in the literature,
questions remain about how to enact such instruction. That is, literature is sometimes …
questions remain about how to enact such instruction. That is, literature is sometimes …
Necessary or sufficient? The impacts of epistemic beliefs on STEM creativity and the mediation of intellectual risk-taking
Although encouraging student creativity is a commonly recognised goal of STEM education,
there is a lack of research in this area. In this study, the effects of epistemic beliefs on STEM …
there is a lack of research in this area. In this study, the effects of epistemic beliefs on STEM …
Effects of Islamic scientist history on seventh graders' understandings of nature of science in a Thai Islamic private school
Societies and cultures influence students' understandings of the nature of science (NOS). An
approach to promote an accurate understanding of the nature of science is to manage the …
approach to promote an accurate understanding of the nature of science is to manage the …
[CARTE][B] Chemistry education and contributions from history and philosophy of science
M Niaz - 2016 - Springer
This book explores the relationship between the content of chemistry education and the
history and philosophy of science (HPS) framework that underlies such education. It …
history and philosophy of science (HPS) framework that underlies such education. It …
[PDF][PDF] Students' understanding of nature of science in islamic private school
The objective of this study is to explore Muslim students' level of understanding regarding
the nature of science (NoS) and compare their understanding between genders in private …
the nature of science (NoS) and compare their understanding between genders in private …
Examining the changes in representations of nature of science in Chinese senior high school chemistry textbooks
B Chen, S Chen, H Liu, X Meng - Science & Education, 2024 - Springer
This paper aimed to examine the changes in the representations of nature of science (NOS)
in Chinese senior high school chemistry textbooks under the influence of the new curriculum …
in Chinese senior high school chemistry textbooks under the influence of the new curriculum …
中村大輝, 藤原聖輝, 石飛幹晴, 川崎弘作, 小林和雄… - 科学教育研究, 2023 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 The purpose of this study was to derive the types, characteristics, historical evolution,
and issues for future research on assessment methods of understanding of the Nature of …
and issues for future research on assessment methods of understanding of the Nature of …
The philosophy of science and technology in China: Political and ideological influences
Y Guo - Science & Education, 2014 - Springer
In China, the philosophy of science and technology (PST) is derived from “Dialectics of
Nature”(DN), which is based on Engels' unfinished book Dialektik der Natur. DN as a …
Nature”(DN), which is based on Engels' unfinished book Dialektik der Natur. DN as a …