Handoff prioritization and decision schemes in wireless cellular networks: a survey
Handoff is a key element in wireless cellular networks in order to provide quality of service
(QoS) to the users and to support users' mobility. Handoff failure will result in the forced …
(QoS) to the users and to support users' mobility. Handoff failure will result in the forced …
Call admission control in mobile cellular networks: a comprehensive survey
Call admission control (CAC) is a key element in the provision of guaranteed quality of
service (QoS) in wireless networks. The design of CAC algorithms for mobile cellular …
service (QoS) in wireless networks. The design of CAC algorithms for mobile cellular …
Power minimization based resource allocation for interference mitigation in OFDMA femtocell networks
With the introduction of femtocells, cellular networks are moving from the conventional
centralized network architecture to a distributed one, where each network cell should make …
centralized network architecture to a distributed one, where each network cell should make …
[PDF][PDF] Call admission control in wireless networks: A comprehensive survey.
MH Ahmed - IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials, 2005 - academia.edu
Radio resource management (RRM) plays a major role in Quality of Service (QoS)
provisioning for wireless communication systems. The performance of RRM techniques has …
provisioning for wireless communication systems. The performance of RRM techniques has …
QoS provisioning in cellular networks based on mobility prediction techniques
WS Soh, HS Kim - IEEE Communications magazine, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In cellular networks, QoS degradation or forced termination may occur when there are
insufficient resources to accommodate handoff requests. One solution is to predict the …
insufficient resources to accommodate handoff requests. One solution is to predict the …
On distributed and coordinated resource allocation for interference mitigation in self-organizing LTE networks
We propose a distributed and coordinated radio resource allocation algorithm for orthogonal
frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)-based cellular networks to self-organize …
frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)-based cellular networks to self-organize …
Predictive mobility support for QoS provisioning in mobile wireless environments
With the proliferation of wireless network technologies, mobile users are expected to
demand the same quality of service (QoS) available to fixed users. This paper presents a …
demand the same quality of service (QoS) available to fixed users. This paper presents a …
On dipole compression modes in nuclei
Isoscalar dipole strength distributions in spherical medium-and heavy-mass nuclei are
calculated within random phase approximation (RPA) or quasiparticle RPA. Different …
calculated within random phase approximation (RPA) or quasiparticle RPA. Different …
Adaptive resource allocation for multimedia QoS management in wireless networks
Adaptive resource allocation for multimedia quality of service (QoS) support in broadband
wireless networks is examined in this work. A service model consisting of three service …
wireless networks is examined in this work. A service model consisting of three service …
Rate-based borrowing scheme for QoS provisioning in multimedia wireless networks
Now that cellular networks are being called upon to support real-time interactive multimedia
traffic such as video teleconferencing, these networks must be able to provide their users …
traffic such as video teleconferencing, these networks must be able to provide their users …