Biogeography and relevant ecological drivers in spring habitats: A review on ostracods of the Western Palearctic
Springs are relevant environments from an ecological point of view. The microhabitat‐
mosaic structure of these ecotones often harbors high biodiversity. Due to the temperature …
mosaic structure of these ecotones often harbors high biodiversity. Due to the temperature …
Spatial and seasonal distribution of invertebrates in Northern Apennine rheocrene springs
E Bottazzi, MC Bruno, V Pieri, A Di Sabatino… - Journal of …, 2011 -
Four perennial rheocrene springs located between 919 and 1252 m asl on substrata
characterized by different lithologies were studied. Water samples and invertebrates were …
characterized by different lithologies were studied. Water samples and invertebrates were …
Habitat features and distribution of Salamandra salamandra in underground springs
Subterranean habitats are among the less known terrestrial habitats, but can reveal an
unexpected biodiversity, and can play an underestimated role for amphibians. The fire …
unexpected biodiversity, and can play an underestimated role for amphibians. The fire …
[PDF][PDF] Diversity, distribution and ecology of nonmarine Ostracoda (Crustacea) in Turkey: application of pseudorichness and cosmoecious species concepts
O Külköylüoğlu - Recent Research Development in Ecology, 2013 -
There are about 130 nonmarine free-living freshwater ostracods in 46 genera reported so far
from Turkey. Almost half (47%) of these species in about 24 genera is belonged to one …
from Turkey. Almost half (47%) of these species in about 24 genera is belonged to one …
[PDF][PDF] Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera in springs in Trentino (south-eastern Alps)
B Maiolini, M Carolli, L Silveri - Journal of Limnology, 2011 -
Within the CRENODAT project (Biodiversity assessment and integrity evaluation of springs
of Trentino-Italian Alps-and longterm ecological research, 2004-2008) we studied a total of …
of Trentino-Italian Alps-and longterm ecological research, 2004-2008) we studied a total of …
[PDF][PDF] The dark side of springs: what drives small-scale spatial patterns of subsurface meiofaunal assemblages?
Springs are amongst the most relevant Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) and
are key research environments in freshwater ecology and biology. The strict dependency on …
are key research environments in freshwater ecology and biology. The strict dependency on …
Diel activity of Niphargus amphipods in spring habitats
R Manenti, B Barzaghi - Crustaceana, 2021 -
Among crustaceans, numerous aquatic species are obligate groundwater-dwellers, ie,
stygobionts; their most common adaptations are the absence of eyes and a general …
stygobionts; their most common adaptations are the absence of eyes and a general …
[HTML][HTML] An annotated checklist of the Recent non-marine ostracods (Ostracoda: Crustacea) from Italy
We present an updated checklist of non-marine ostracods from Italy. Data were obtained
from the published literature up to April 2013 and new collections carried out in 18 out of 20 …
from the published literature up to April 2013 and new collections carried out in 18 out of 20 …
Effects of thermal stability on microcrustacean assemblages in spring fens
D Výravský, DK Hřívová, J Bojková, M Horsák… - Inland Waters, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Springs are considered relatively stable aquatic environments and possible thermal refugia
for cold-adapted taxa under climate change. However, permanent and pristine spring fens in …
for cold-adapted taxa under climate change. However, permanent and pristine spring fens in …
Preliminary study on distribution, diversity, and ecological characteristics of nonmarine Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the Erzincan region (Turkey)
Ecological characteristics of 32 nonmarine ostracod taxa collected from 89 aquatic habitats
of Erzincan (Turkey) during the summer of 2006 were evaluated. All of the species are new …
of Erzincan (Turkey) during the summer of 2006 were evaluated. All of the species are new …