Assessment of music experience after cochlear implantation: A review of current tools and their utilization
TP Hwa, CZ Wen, MJ Ruckenstein - World Journal of …, 2021 - mednexus.org
Objective: To provide an overview of the current available music assessment tools after
cochlear implantation (CI); to report on the utilization of music assessments in the literature; …
cochlear implantation (CI); to report on the utilization of music assessments in the literature; …
The music perception abilities of prelingually deaf children with cochlear implants
KK Stabej, L Smid, A Gros, M Zargi, A Kosir… - International journal of …, 2012 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the music perception abilities of prelingually deaf children with
cochlear implants, in comparison to a group of normal-hearing children, and to consider the …
cochlear implants, in comparison to a group of normal-hearing children, and to consider the …
The MuSIC perception test: a novel battery for testing music perception of cochlear implant users
SJ Brockmeier, D Fitzgerald, O Searle… - Cochlear implants …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
This study was undertaken to evaluate the musical sounds in cochlear implants (MuSIC)
perception test, created to assess the music-listening abilities of cochlear implant (CI) users …
perception test, created to assess the music-listening abilities of cochlear implant (CI) users …
The family oriented musical training for children with cochlear implants: speech and musical perception results of two year follow-up
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to determine whether children can gain benefit
from training on pitch and music perception. Our main goals were to prepare a tool for …
from training on pitch and music perception. Our main goals were to prepare a tool for …
Self-reported listening habits and enjoyment of music among adult cochlear implant recipients
L Migirov, J Kronenberg… - Annals of Otology …, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
Objectives: We sought to assess the associations between self-reported listening habits and
enjoyment of music, and the following variables: Age at implantation, gender, prelingual …
enjoyment of music, and the following variables: Age at implantation, gender, prelingual …
Comparison of music perception in bilateral and unilateral cochlear implant users and normal-hearing subjects
K Veekmans, L Ressel, J Mueller, M Vischer… - Audiology and …, 2009 - karger.com
Music plays an important role in the daily life of cochlear implant (CI) users, but electrical
hearing and speech processing pose challenges for enjoying music. Studies of unilateral CI …
hearing and speech processing pose challenges for enjoying music. Studies of unilateral CI …
Clinical trial results with the MED-EL fine structure processing coding strategy in experienced cochlear implant users
J Müller, S Brill, R Hagen, A Moeltner, SJ Brockmeier… - Orl, 2012 - karger.com
Objectives: To assess the subjective and objective performance of the new fine structure
processing strategy (FSP) compared to the previous generation coding strategies CIS+ and …
processing strategy (FSP) compared to the previous generation coding strategies CIS+ and …
Characteristics and determinants of music appreciation in adult CI users
B Philips, B Vinck, E De Vel, L Maes… - European Archives of …, 2012 - Springer
The main objective of this study was to assess the associations between self-reported
listening habits and perception of music and speech perception outcomes in quiet and noise …
listening habits and perception of music and speech perception outcomes in quiet and noise …
Interactive evaluation of a music preprocessing scheme for cochlear implants based on spectral complexity reduction
Music is difficult to access for the majority of CI users as the reduced dynamic range and
poor spectral resolution in cochlear implants (CI), amongst others constraints, severely …
poor spectral resolution in cochlear implants (CI), amongst others constraints, severely …
Changes in listening habits and quality of musical sound after cochlear implantation
L Lassaletta, A Castro, M Bastarrica… - … —Head and Neck …, 2008 - journals.sagepub.com
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate listening habits and quality of musical sound after cochlear
implantation. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 89 consecutive, adult, postlingually deafened …
implantation. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 89 consecutive, adult, postlingually deafened …