Statistics from Lagrangian observations

JH LaCasce - Progress in Oceanography, 2008 - Elsevier
We review statistical analyses of Lagrangian data from the ocean. These can be grouped
into studies involving single particles and those with pairs or groups of particles. Single …

Physical oceanography of the western Iberia ecosystem: latest views and challenges

P Relvas, ED Barton, J Dubert, PB Oliveira… - Progress in …, 2007 - Elsevier
The present review is focused on the mesoscale physical processes recognized in the
Western Iberia Ecosystem, complementing earlier reviews dedicated to larger scales …

Bivariate empirical mode decomposition

G Rilling, P Flandrin, P Gonçalves… - IEEE signal processing …, 2007 -
The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) has been introduced quite recently to adaptively
decompose nonstationary and/or nonlinear time series. The method being initially limited to …

Transport by coherent barotropic vortices

A Provenzale - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 1999 -
▪ Abstract This article reviews the transport properties of coherent vortices in rotating
barotropic flows. It is shown that vortices induce regular Lagrangian motion inside their …

On the analytic wavelet transform

JM Lilly, SC Olhede - IEEE transactions on information theory, 2010 -
An exact and general expression for the analytic wavelet transform of a real-valued signal is
constructed, resolving the time-dependent effects of nonnegligible amplitude and frequency …

A census of Meddies tracked by floats

PL Richardson, AS Bower, W Zenk - Progress in Oceanography, 2000 - Elsevier
Recent subsurface float measurements in 27 Mediterranean Water eddies (Meddies) in the
Atlantic are grouped together to reveal new information about the pathways of these …

Observations of the Labrador Sea eddy field

JM Lilly, PB Rhines, F Schott, K Lavender… - Progress in …, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper is an observational study of small-scale coherent eddies in the Labrador Sea, a
region of dense water formation thought to be of considerable importance to the North …

Submesoscale dynamic processes in the south China Sea

Z Zhang - Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research, 2024 -
The South China Sea (SCS) is the largest marginal sea in the northwestern Pacific, and it is
known for its complex multiscale dynamic processes, including basin-scale circulations …

Hydrodynamical modeling of oceanic vortices

X Carton - Surveys in Geophysics, 2001 - Springer
Mesoscale coherent vortices are numerous in the ocean. Though they possess various
structures in temperature and salinity, they are all long-lived, fairly intense and mostly …

Complex variational mode decomposition for signal processing applications

Y Wang, F Liu, Z Jiang, S He, Q Mo - Mechanical systems and signal …, 2017 - Elsevier
Complex-valued signals occur in many areas of science and engineering and are thus of
fundamental interest. The complex variational mode decomposition (CVMD) is proposed as …