Lifelogging: Personal big data
We have recently observed a convergence of technologies to foster the emergence of
lifelogging as a mainstream activity. Computer storage has become significantly cheaper …
lifelogging as a mainstream activity. Computer storage has become significantly cheaper …
Virtual reality lifelog explorer: lifelog search challenge at ACM ICMR 2018
The Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC) invites researchers to share their prototypes for lifelog
exploration and retrieval and encourages competition to evaluate effective methodologies …
exploration and retrieval and encourages competition to evaluate effective methodologies …
VRLE: lifelog interaction prototype in virtual reality: lifelog search challenge at ACM ICMR 2020
The Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC) invites researchers to share their prototypes for
interactive lifelog retrieval and encourages competition to develop and evaluate effective …
interactive lifelog retrieval and encourages competition to develop and evaluate effective …
Computer vision for lifelogging: Characterizing everyday activities based on visual semantics
The rapid development of mobile devices capable of sensing our interactions with the
environment has made it possible to assist humans in daily living, for example hel** …
environment has made it possible to assist humans in daily living, for example hel** …
LAD: an application design model to support the analysis of large-scale personal data collections generated by lifelogging
Lifelogging is a form of personal data collection which seeks to capture the totality of one's
experience through intelligent technology and sensors. Yet despite notable advancement in …
experience through intelligent technology and sensors. Yet despite notable advancement in …
User interaction for visual lifelog retrieval in a virtual environment
Efficient retrieval of lifelog information is an ongoing area of research due to the multifaceted
nature, and ever increasing size of lifelog datasets. Previous studies have examined lifelog …
nature, and ever increasing size of lifelog datasets. Previous studies have examined lifelog …
Visual access to lifelog data in a virtual environment
A Duane - 2019 - doras.dcu.ie
Continuous image capture via a wearable camera is currently one of the most popular
methods to establish a comprehensive record of the entirety of an indi-vidual's life …
methods to establish a comprehensive record of the entirety of an indi-vidual's life …
Appropriate size, spacing, expansion ratio, and location for clickable elements on smart TVs with remote motion control
S Jeong, H Kim - International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2018 - Elsevier
Motion control based on gyroscopes and/or accelerometers is a promising technique that
can replace a typical television (TV) remote control. In this study, we investigated the effects …
can replace a typical television (TV) remote control. In this study, we investigated the effects …
User experience as a parameter to enhance automation acceptance: lessons from automating articulatory tasks
R Bernhaupt, F Manciet, M Pirker - … of the 5th International Conference on …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
If automation in a system is accepted by users is depending on the perceived usefulness
and ease of use of the system. How and if user experience has an effect on acceptance is …
and ease of use of the system. How and if user experience has an effect on acceptance is …
Accelerometers data interoperability: easing interactive applications development
Research in Natural Interfaces, sub-area of Ubiquitous Computing, investigates the use of
non-traditional devices to support user interaction with applications in less intrusive ways …
non-traditional devices to support user interaction with applications in less intrusive ways …