Systematic development of patient decision aids: an update from the IPDAS collaboration
Background The 2013 update of the evidence informing the quality dimensions behind the
International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) offered a model process for …
International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) offered a model process for …
Assessing the impact of patient-involvement healthcare strategies on patients, providers, and the healthcare system: a systematic review
Background Patient involvement has become an important and lively field of research, yet
existing findings are fragmented and often contested. Without a synthesis of the research …
existing findings are fragmented and often contested. Without a synthesis of the research …
What does shared decision making ask from doctors? Uncovering suppressed qualities that could improve person-centered care
Objective Shared decision making (SDM) is infrequently seen in clinical practice despite four
decades of efforts. We propose a need to explore what SDM asks from doctors in terms of …
decades of efforts. We propose a need to explore what SDM asks from doctors in terms of …
Moving towards patient-centered care and shared decision-making in Germany
The main focus of this paper is to describe the development and current state of policy,
research and implementation of patient-centered care (PCC) and shared decision-making …
research and implementation of patient-centered care (PCC) and shared decision-making …
Exploring the medical decision-making patterns and influencing factors among the general Chinese public: a binary logistic regression analysis
Objective With the ongoing evolution of the healthcare system and shifts in cultural
paradigms, there is a pressing need to delve into the medical decision-making behaviors of …
paradigms, there is a pressing need to delve into the medical decision-making behaviors of …
Patient-reported effects of hospital-wide implementation of shared decision-making at a university medical centre in Germany: a pre–post trial
Objectives To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the SHARE TO CARE (S2C)
programme, a complex intervention designed for hospital-wide implementation of shared …
programme, a complex intervention designed for hospital-wide implementation of shared …
Evaluation of a program for routine implementation of shared decision-making in cancer care: results of a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial
Background Shared decision-making (SDM) is preferred by many patients in cancer care.
However, despite scientific evidence and promotion by health policy makers, SDM …
However, despite scientific evidence and promotion by health policy makers, SDM …
The six steps of SDM: linking theory to practice, measurement and implementation
Shared decision-making (SDM) has gained acceptance as a preferred and ideal method for
medical decision-making. 1 2 As SDM concepts and assessments initially focused on the …
medical decision-making. 1 2 As SDM concepts and assessments initially focused on the …
Major influencing factors on routine implementation of shared decision-making in cancer care: qualitative process evaluation of a stepped-wedge cluster randomized …
Background Shared decision-making (SDM) is highly relevant in oncology but rarely
implemented in routine care. In a stepped-wedge cluster randomized implementation trial …
implemented in routine care. In a stepped-wedge cluster randomized implementation trial …
Patients' and healthcare professionals' perceived facilitators and barriers for shared decision-making for frail and elderly patients in perioperative care: a sco** …
Background Shared decision-making (SDM) in perioperative care, is an organizational
approach to instituting sharing of information and decision-making around surgery. It aims at …
approach to instituting sharing of information and decision-making around surgery. It aims at …