Primary hyperparathyroidism-related giant parathyroid adenoma
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), an endocrine condition caused by a parathyroid
adenoma (PTA) in 80-85% of the cases, has shifted in the modern era to a mildly …
adenoma (PTA) in 80-85% of the cases, has shifted in the modern era to a mildly …
Parathyroid cystic adenoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Daoud, O Ronen - Endocrine Practice, 2023 - Elsevier
Objective To review diagnostic imaging modalities for parathyroid cystic adenomas (PCA).
Since PCAs are a rare (0.5%-1%) subclass of parathyroid adenomas, and due to their cystic …
Since PCAs are a rare (0.5%-1%) subclass of parathyroid adenomas, and due to their cystic …
The clinical features of cystic parathyroid adenoma in Chinese population: a single‐center experience
Y Hu, M Cui, Y **a, Z Su, X Zhang… - International Journal …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Objective. Cystic parathyroid adenoma is a rare cause of primary hyperparathyroidism, but
its preoperative diagnosis and management remain inconclusive. Method. We …
its preoperative diagnosis and management remain inconclusive. Method. We …
Unusual presentations of functional parathyroid cysts: a case series and review of the literature
Y El-Housseini, M Hübner, A Boubaker… - Journal of medical case …, 2017 - Springer
Background Cysts of parathyroid origin are sometimes encountered and can easily be
mistaken as thyroidal cysts. Functional parathyroid cysts, with symptoms and signs of …
mistaken as thyroidal cysts. Functional parathyroid cysts, with symptoms and signs of …
Intact parathyroid hormone levels and primary hyperparathyroidism
Objective: The aim of this article is to compare clinical characteristics and lab values for
metabolic syndrome between primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) patients with different …
metabolic syndrome between primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) patients with different …
著しい副甲状腺機能亢進を呈しながら術前画像診断が困難であった嚢胞性副甲状腺腺腫の 1 例
久保田諭史, 島田恭輔, 髙山昇**, 大場崇旦… - 信州医学雑誌, 2022 -
抄録 Case: An 83-year-old woman visited a local physician with anorexia and weight loss for
the past six months, and was referred to our hospital. Laboratory evaluation revealed …
the past six months, and was referred to our hospital. Laboratory evaluation revealed …
[PDF][PDF] Primary Hyperparathyroidism Secondary to a Sestamibi-Negative Cystic Parathyroid Adenoma
GM Win, T Gusov, FNU Marium, MJ Gardner - Cureus, 2021 -
The most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a solid parathyroid
adenoma. Less than 2% of cases of PHPT are caused by cystic parathyroid adenomas …
adenoma. Less than 2% of cases of PHPT are caused by cystic parathyroid adenomas …
Thyroid and parathyroid ultrasound: comprehensive and problem-focused point-of-care utilization in clinical practice
M Yehuda, EO Westfall, M Milas… - Advanced Thyroid and …, 2017 - Springer
Ultrasound has evolved into a key imaging modality for the evaluation of diseases affecting
the thyroid and parathyroid glands. This chapter introduces the clinical practice of …
the thyroid and parathyroid glands. This chapter introduces the clinical practice of …
[CARTE][B] Comparison of metabolic and characteristic features of primary hyperparathyroidism patients with different intact PTH levels
HK Al-Hraishawi - 2016 -
This study is to compare primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) patients with different iPTH
levels for serum calcium and other laboratory values. In this retrospective study, 212 patients …
levels for serum calcium and other laboratory values. In this retrospective study, 212 patients …