Quantum entanglement in condensed matter systems

N Laflorencie - Physics Reports, 2016 - Elsevier
This review focuses on the field of quantum entanglement applied to condensed matter
physics systems with strong correlations, a domain which has rapidly grown over the last …

Equilibration, thermalisation, and the emergence of statistical mechanics in closed quantum systems

C Gogolin, J Eisert - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We review selected advances in the theoretical understanding of complex quantum many-
body systems with regard to emergent notions of quantum statistical mechanics. We cover …

Quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium

J Eisert, M Friesdorf, C Gogolin - Nature Physics, 2015 - nature.com
How do closed quantum many-body systems driven out of equilibrium eventually achieve
equilibration? And how do these systems thermalize, given that they comprise so many …

Ballistic spreading of entanglement in a diffusive nonintegrable system

H Kim, DA Huse - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
We study the time evolution of the entanglement entropy of a one-dimensional
nonintegrable spin chain, starting from random nonentangled initial pure states. We use …

Universal dynamics and renormalization in many-body-localized systems

E Altman, R Vosk - Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys., 2015 - annualreviews.org
We survey the recent progress made in understanding nonequilibrium dynamics in closed
random systems. The emphasis is on the important role played by concepts from quantum …

Quantum quenches in 1+ 1 dimensional conformal field theories

P Calabrese, J Cardy - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the imaginary time path integral approach to the quench dynamics of conformal
field theories. We show how this technique can be applied to the determination of the time …

Real-time confinement following a quantum quench to a non-integrable model

M Kormos, M Collura, G Takács, P Calabrese - Nature Physics, 2017 - nature.com
Quarks cannot be observed as free particles in nature because they are confined into
baryons and mesons, as a result of the fact that the strong interaction between them …

Entanglement entropy and conformal field theory

P Calabrese, J Cardy - Journal of physics a: mathematical and …, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the conformal field theory approach to entanglement entropy in 1+ 1 dimensions.
We show how to apply these methods to the calculation of the entanglement entropy of a …

Colloquium: Area laws for the entanglement entropy

J Eisert, M Cramer, MB Plenio - Reviews of modern physics, 2010 - APS
Physical interactions in quantum many-body systems are typically local: Individual
constituents interact mainly with their few nearest neighbors. This locality of interactions is …

Area laws in a many-body localized state and its implications for topological order

B Bauer, C Nayak - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and …, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
The question whether Anderson insulators can persist to finite-strength interactions—a
scenario dubbed many-body localization—has recently received a great deal of interest. The …