DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science
In this paper, the history, present status, and future of density-functional theory (DFT) is
informally reviewed and discussed by 70 workers in the field, including molecular scientists …
informally reviewed and discussed by 70 workers in the field, including molecular scientists …
General performance of density functionals
The density functional theory (DFT) foundations date from the 1920s with the work of
Thomas and Fermi, but it was after the work of Hohenberg, Kohn, and Sham in the 1960s …
Thomas and Fermi, but it was after the work of Hohenberg, Kohn, and Sham in the 1960s …
MN15: A Kohn–Sham global-hybrid exchange–correlation density functional with broad accuracy for multi-reference and single-reference systems and noncovalent …
Kohn–Sham density functionals are widely used; however, no currently available exchange–
correlation functional can predict all chemical properties with chemical accuracy. Here we …
correlation functional can predict all chemical properties with chemical accuracy. Here we …
Perspective: Fifty years of density-functional theory in chemical physics
AD Becke - The Journal of chemical physics, 2014 - pubs.aip.org
Since its formal inception in 1964–1965, Kohn-Sham density-functional theory (KS-DFT) has
become the most popular electronic structure method in computational physics and …
become the most popular electronic structure method in computational physics and …
Perspective: Kohn-Sham density functional theory descending a staircase
This article presents a perspective on Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) for
electronic structure calculations in chemical physics. This theory is in widespread use for …
electronic structure calculations in chemical physics. This theory is in widespread use for …
Revised M06 density functional for main-group and transition-metal chemistry
We present a hybrid metageneralized-gradient-approximation functional, revM06, which is
based on adding Hartree–Fock exchange to the revM06-L functional form. Compared with …
based on adding Hartree–Fock exchange to the revM06-L functional form. Compared with …
Hybrid meta density functional theory methods for thermochemistry, thermochemical kinetics, and noncovalent interactions: the MPW1B95 and MPWB1K models and …
Based on the modified Perdew and Wang exchange functional (MPW) and Becke's 1995
correlation functional (B95), we developed two hybrid meta density functional theory …
correlation functional (B95), we developed two hybrid meta density functional theory …
Comparison of DFT methods for molecular orbital eigenvalue calculations
We report how closely the Kohn− Sham highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) eigenvalues of 11 density functional theory …
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) eigenvalues of 11 density functional theory …
Quantum chemical methods for the prediction of energetic, physical, and spectroscopic properties of ionic liquids
The accurate prediction of physicochemical properties of condensed systems is a
longstanding goal of theoretical (quantum) chemistry. Ionic liquids comprising entirely of …
longstanding goal of theoretical (quantum) chemistry. Ionic liquids comprising entirely of …
The X3LYP extended density functional for accurate descriptions of nonbond interactions, spin states, and thermochemical properties
We derive the form for an exact exchange energy density for a density decaying with
Gaussian-like behavior at long range. Based on this, we develop the X3LYP (extended …
Gaussian-like behavior at long range. Based on this, we develop the X3LYP (extended …