A short review of one-dimensional Wigner crystallization
The simplest possible structural transition that an electronic system can undergo is Wigner
crystallization. The aim of this short review is to discuss the main aspects of three recent …
crystallization. The aim of this short review is to discuss the main aspects of three recent …
From fractional solitons to Majorana fermions in a paradigmatic model of topological superconductivity
Majorana bound states are interesting candidates for applications in topological quantum
computation. Low-energy models allowing one to grasp their properties are hence …
computation. Low-energy models allowing one to grasp their properties are hence …
Tunable hybridization of Majorana bound states at the quantum spin Hall edge
Confinement at the helical edge of a topological insulator is possible in the presence of
proximity-induced magnetic (F) or superconducting (S) order. The interplay of both …
proximity-induced magnetic (F) or superconducting (S) order. The interplay of both …
Fractional charge oscillations in quantum dots with quantum spin Hall effect
We show that correlated two-particle backscattering can induce fractional charge oscillations
in a quantum dot built at the edge of a two-dimensional topological insulator by means of …
in a quantum dot built at the edge of a two-dimensional topological insulator by means of …
Chiral anomaly in real space from stable fractional charges at the edge of a quantum spin Hall insulator
The chiral anomaly is based on a nonconserved chiral charge and can happen in Dirac
fermion systems under the influence of external electromagnetic fields. In this case, the …
fermion systems under the influence of external electromagnetic fields. In this case, the …
Anomalous flux periodicity in proximitised quantum spin Hall constrictions
We theoretically analyse a long constriction between the helical edge states of a two-
dimensional topological insulator. The constriction is laterally tunnel-coupled to two …
dimensional topological insulator. The constriction is laterally tunnel-coupled to two …
Anomalous Friedel oscillations in a quasihelical quantum dot
The charge and spin patterns of a quantum dot embedded into a spin-orbit coupled quantum
wire subject to a magnetic field are investigated. A Luttinger liquid theory is developed …
wire subject to a magnetic field are investigated. A Luttinger liquid theory is developed …
Transient dynamics of spin-polarized injection in helical Luttinger liquids
We analyze the time evolution of spin-polarized electron wave packets injected into the
edge states of a two-dimensional topological insulator. In the presence of electron …
edge states of a two-dimensional topological insulator. In the presence of electron …
The invisible Majorana bound state at the helical edge
The presence of a Majorana bound state in condensed matter systems is often associated to
a zero bias peak in conductance measurements. Here, we analyze a system were this …
a zero bias peak in conductance measurements. Here, we analyze a system were this …
Effective metal-insulator nonequilibrium quantum phase transition in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
We consider the steady-state behavior of observables in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH)
model and in the one-dimensional transverse field quantum Ising model after a sudden …
model and in the one-dimensional transverse field quantum Ising model after a sudden …