Resilience assessment and planning in power distribution systems: Past and future considerations
Over the past decade, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events have
significantly increased worldwide, leading to widespread power outages and blackouts. As …
significantly increased worldwide, leading to widespread power outages and blackouts. As …
A review of definitions and measures of system resilience
Modeling and evaluating the resilience of systems, potentially complex and large-scale in
nature, has recently raised significant interest among both practitioners and researchers …
nature, has recently raised significant interest among both practitioners and researchers …
Infrastructure resilience curves: Performance measures and summary metrics
Resilience curves are used to communicate quantitative and qualitative aspects of system
behavior and resilience to stakeholders of critical infrastructure. Generally, these curves …
behavior and resilience to stakeholders of critical infrastructure. Generally, these curves …
Conceptualizing and measuring financial resilience: A multidimensional framework
Financial inclusion has become a policy priority. For many countries, this has meant
focusing on the delivery and practical aspects of financial products and services. This paper …
focusing on the delivery and practical aspects of financial products and services. This paper …
Resilience metrics and measurement methods for transportation infrastructure: The state of the art
Transportation infrastructure plays an important role in supporting the national economy and
social well-being. Extreme events have caused terrible physical damages to the …
social well-being. Extreme events have caused terrible physical damages to the …
Systems resilience assessments: a review, framework and metrics
The past several decades have witnessed an increasing number of natural and manmade
hazards with a dramatic impact on the normal operations of the society. The occurrences of …
hazards with a dramatic impact on the normal operations of the society. The occurrences of …
Measuring smart grid resilience: Methods, challenges and opportunities
With growing concerns related to attacks on the cyber and physical assets associated with
the power grid along with the need to mitigate impact of natural disasters, resilience has …
the power grid along with the need to mitigate impact of natural disasters, resilience has …
[PDF][PDF] Economic resilience: definition and measurement
S Hallegatte - World Bank Policy Research Working …, 2014 - documents1.worldbank.org
A natural disaster is not a “natural” event. Human and natural systems are affected by
natural hazards, such as earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, intense precipitations and floods …
natural hazards, such as earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, intense precipitations and floods …
A Bayesian network based approach for modeling and assessing resilience: A case study of a full service deep water port
Ports are an integral part of the transportation system and are often susceptible to a diverse
range of risks, including natural disasters, malicious cyber-attacks, technological factors …
range of risks, including natural disasters, malicious cyber-attacks, technological factors …
Modeling the resilience of interdependent networks: The role of function dependency in metro and bus systems
Owing to the pervasive interdependency among networks and the great threat of various
disasters, one of the most challenging issues is the resilience evaluation of interdependent …
disasters, one of the most challenging issues is the resilience evaluation of interdependent …