Experimental evaluation of wireless simulation assumptions
All analytical and simulation research on ad~ hoc wireless networks must necessarily model
radio propagation using simplifying assumptions. We provide a comprehensive review of six …
radio propagation using simplifying assumptions. We provide a comprehensive review of six …
Radio link quality estimation in wireless sensor networks: A survey
Radio link quality estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has a fundamental impact
on the network performance and also affects the design of higher-layer protocols. Therefore …
on the network performance and also affects the design of higher-layer protocols. Therefore …
[HTML][HTML] Trickle: A self-regulating algorithm for code propagation and maintenance in wireless sensor networks
We present Trickle, an algorithm for propagating and maintaining code updates in wireless
sensor networks. Borrowing techniques from the epidemic/gossip, scalable multicast, and …
sensor networks. Borrowing techniques from the epidemic/gossip, scalable multicast, and …
Analyzing the transitional region in low power wireless links
The wireless sensor networks community, has now an increased understanding of the need
for realistic link layer models. Recent experimental studies have shown that real …
for realistic link layer models. Recent experimental studies have shown that real …
Link-level measurements from an 802.11 b mesh network
This paper analyzes the causes of packet loss in a 38-node urban multi-hop 802.11 b
network. The patterns and causes of loss are important in the design of routing and error …
network. The patterns and causes of loss are important in the design of routing and error …
Survey of experimental evaluation studies for wireless mesh network deployments in urban areas towards ubiquitous internet
S Vural, D Wei, K Moessner - IEEE Communications Surveys & …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Establishing wireless networks in urban areas that can provide ubiquitous Internet access to
end-users is a central part of the efforts towards defining the Internet of the future. In recent …
end-users is a central part of the efforts towards defining the Internet of the future. In recent …
Reliability analysis of DSRC wireless communication for vehicle safety applications
The 802.11-p based dedicated short range communication (DSRC) is being seriously
considered as a promising wireless technology for enhancing transportation safety and …
considered as a promising wireless technology for enhancing transportation safety and …
An analysis of unreliability and asymmetry in low-power wireless links
MZ Zamalloa, B Krishnamachari - ACM Transactions on Sensor …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
Experimental studies have demonstrated that the behavior of real links in low-power
wireless networks (such as wireless sensor networks) deviates to a large extent from the …
wireless networks (such as wireless sensor networks) deviates to a large extent from the …
Energy-efficient forwarding strategies for geographic routing in lossy wireless sensor networks
Recent experimental studies have shown that wireless links in real sensor networks can be
extremely unreliable, deviating to a large extent from the idealized perfect-reception-within …
extremely unreliable, deviating to a large extent from the idealized perfect-reception-within …
Correlated link shadow fading in multi-hop wireless networks
Accurate representation of the physical layer is required for analysis and simulation of multi-
hop networking in sensor, ad hoc, and mesh networks. Radio links that are geographically …
hop networking in sensor, ad hoc, and mesh networks. Radio links that are geographically …