Multiregion DCIV: A Sensitive Tool for Characterizing the Interfaces in LDMOSFETs
Y He, G Zhang, L Han, X Zhang - IEEE electron device letters, 2012 -
By measuring the substrate current under the forward bias of source/drain-substrate
junction, a multiregion direct current current-voltage (MR-DCIV) technique is used to …
junction, a multiregion direct current current-voltage (MR-DCIV) technique is used to …
A Physics-Based Analytical Noise Model for RESURF LDMOS Transistors
A physics-based model has been implemented to describe the low-frequency noise
behavior in differently processed reduced-surface-field lateral double-diffused MOS devices …
behavior in differently processed reduced-surface-field lateral double-diffused MOS devices …
Modeling of Current Mismatch and 1/f Noise for Halo-Implanted Drain-Extended MOSFETs
Drain-extended MOSFET (DEMOS) with halo implant induced laterally asymmetric channel
do** shows anomalous characteristics across bias and temperature that cannot be …
do** shows anomalous characteristics across bias and temperature that cannot be …
Influence of drift region on the 1/f noise in LDMOS
AA Dikshit, V Subramanian… - … Devices and ICs, 2012 -
The effect of drift region on the flicker noise in LDMOS devices in the linear and saturation
regions is analyzed using measured data and device simulations. In the linear region, noise …
regions is analyzed using measured data and device simulations. In the linear region, noise …
[PDF][PDF] Investigation of degradation in advanced analog MOS technologies
MI Mahmud - 2014 -
Acknowledgements All praises be to the almighty Allah. My sincere gratitude goes to my
advisor, Prof. Zeynep Çelik-Butler for her outstanding contribution towards my research. She …
advisor, Prof. Zeynep Çelik-Butler for her outstanding contribution towards my research. She …
Measurement and compact modeling of 1/f noise in HV-MOSFETs
This paper investigates 1/f noise behavior under low and high drain biases of high-voltage
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs)(HV-MOSFETs). A dedicated …
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs)(HV-MOSFETs). A dedicated …
Experimental characterization of low-frequency noise in power MOSFETs for defectiveness modelling and technology assessment
In this work we analyse the applicability of low-frequency (LF) noise measurement in order
to study the defectiveness in the gate oxide of power MOSFETs (Metal–Oxide …
to study the defectiveness in the gate oxide of power MOSFETs (Metal–Oxide …
Compact modeling of flicker noise in high voltage MOSFETs and experimental validation
R Goel, YS Chauhan - 2021 IEEE Latin America Electron …, 2021 -
An analytical model of flicker noise (also called 1/f or low frequency noise) for the drift region
is developed to formulate a 1/f model for high voltage MOSFETs using the sub-circuit …
is developed to formulate a 1/f model for high voltage MOSFETs using the sub-circuit …
Simple 1/f noise parameter extraction method for high-voltage MOSFETs
K Fellas, N Mavredakis, W Pflanzl… - 2014 29th …, 2014 -
A 1/f noise parameter extraction method for high-voltage (HV-) MOSFETs at 3V drain bias is
presented in this paper. In this region the overall noise is mostly dominated by the noise …
presented in this paper. In this region the overall noise is mostly dominated by the noise …
Determination of active oxide trap density and 1/f noise mechanism in RESURF LDMOS transistors
The physical origin of majority charge carrier fluctuations in the SiO 2 interface of Si at
accumulation has been investigated and analyzed for differently processed and voltage …
accumulation has been investigated and analyzed for differently processed and voltage …