[HTML][HTML] Incentives for biodiversity conservation under asymmetric land ownership

QM Nyanghura, L Biber-Freudenberger, J Börner - Ecological Economics, 2024 - Elsevier
The effectiveness of biodiversity conservation initiatives depends on their ability to maintain
and restore the integrity and connectivity of ecological systems. Payments for environmental …

Distribution of capitalized benefits from land conservation

C Lang, J VanCeylon, AW Ando - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2023 - pnas.org
Land conservation efforts throughout the United States sustain ecological benefits while
generating wealth in the housing market through capitalization of amenities. This paper …

[HTML][HTML] Enforcement and inequality in collective PES to reduce tropical deforestation: Effectiveness, efficiency and equity implications

J Naime, A Angelsen, A Molina-Garzón… - Global Environmental …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Collective Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), where forest users receive
compensation conditional on group rather than individual performance, are an increasingly …

[PDF][PDF] Payment for environmental services for waste pickers: Systematic literature map**

PF Da Silva, GR Besen, H Ribeiro - Energy and Environment …, 2021 - academia.edu
Abstract In Payment for Environmental Services (PES) systems, environmental service
providers receive compensation for a conservationist action that implies the preservation of …

Payments for ecosystem services in Colombia: discourses, design and motivation crowding

L Moros - 2020 - ddd.uab.cat
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) have been promoted since the 1990s by global
institutions, conservation NGOs, and both national and regional governments to incentivise …

Corporate Environmental Strategies for Balancing Profitability with Environmental Stewardship

S Carmer - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Abstract In the United States, citizens concerned with climate change and income inequity
scrutinize the activities of corporations. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility …

Desafios do planejamento para conservação de pequenas áreas úmidas isoladas: uma proposta de valoração

BL Silva - 2024 - repositorio.unesp.br
O termo" serviços ecossistêmicos" foi inicialmente proposto por Ehrlich e Ehrlich em 1981,
em resposta às crescentes preocupações globais com a diminuição da biodiversidade …

[PDF][PDF] Non-monetary factors as moderators of motivation crowding in incentive-based environmental management: an experimental approach

A Bernal-Escobar - 2022 - osnadocs.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de
Environmental degradation is threatening the provision of ecosystem services (IPBES,
2019). In an attempt to reverse this degradation trend, the use of economic incentives has …

[PDF][PDF] From individual to community-based conservation

JA Matallana - edepot.wur.nl
This document presents a theory-based pre-analysis plan for the baseline and evaluation of
a programme of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) in Cundinamarca (Colombia) …