[HTML][HTML] The cybersecurity mesh: A comprehensive survey of involved artificial intelligence methods, cryptographic protocols and challenges for future research
In today's world, it is vital to have strong cybersecurity measures in place. To combat the
ever-evolving threats, adopting advanced models like cybersecurity mesh is necessary to …
ever-evolving threats, adopting advanced models like cybersecurity mesh is necessary to …
An image-based approach to extreme scale in situ visualization and analysis
Extreme scale scientific simulations are leading a charge to exascale computation, and data
analytics runs the risk of being a bottleneck to scientific discovery. Due to power and I/O …
analytics runs the risk of being a bottleneck to scientific discovery. Due to power and I/O …
[किताब][B] High performance visualization: enabling extreme-scale scientific insight
Visualization and analysis tools, techniques, and algorithms have undergone a rapid
evolution in recent decades to accommodate explosive growth in data size and complexity …
evolution in recent decades to accommodate explosive growth in data size and complexity …
Optimizing bitmap indices with efficient compression
Bitmap indices are efficient for answering queries on low-cardinality attributes. In this article,
we present a new compression scheme called Word-Aligned Hybrid (WAH) code that makes …
we present a new compression scheme called Word-Aligned Hybrid (WAH) code that makes …
Optimizing connected component labeling algorithms
This paper presents two new strategies that can be used to greatly improve the speed of
connected component labeling algorithms. To assign a label to a new object, most …
connected component labeling algorithms. To assign a label to a new object, most …
Data reduction techniques for simulation, visualization and data analysis
Data reduction is increasingly being applied to scientific data for numerical simulations,
scientific visualizations and data analyses. It is most often used to lower I/O and storage …
scientific visualizations and data analyses. It is most often used to lower I/O and storage …
FastBit: interactively searching massive data
As scientific instruments and computer simulations produce more and more data, the task of
locating the essential information to gain insight becomes increasingly difficult. FastBit is an …
locating the essential information to gain insight becomes increasingly difficult. FastBit is an …
On the performance of bitmap indices for high cardinality attributes
It is well established that bitmap indices are efficient for read-only attributes with low attribute
cardinalities. For an attribute with a high cardinality, the size of the bitmap index can be very …
cardinalities. For an attribute with a high cardinality, the size of the bitmap index can be very …
A novel approach for approximate aggregations over arrays
Approximate aggregation has been a popular approach for interactive data analysis and
decision making, especially on large-scale datasets. While there is clearly a need to apply …
decision making, especially on large-scale datasets. While there is clearly a need to apply …
Applications of computation-in-memory architectures based on memristive devices
Today's computing architectures and device technologies are unable to meet the
increasingly stringent demands on energy and performance posed by emerging …
increasingly stringent demands on energy and performance posed by emerging …