Rising and settling 2-D cylinders with centre-of-mass offset

MPA Assen, JB Will, CS Ng, D Lohse… - Journal of Fluid …, 2024 - cambridge.org
Rotational effects are commonly neglected when considering the dynamics of freely rising or
settling isotropic particles. Here, we demonstrate that particle rotations play an important role …

N-Euler mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of liquid–gas–solid flows

F Baraglia, J Laviéville, N Mérigoux… - Nuclear Engineering and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Three phase flows are omnipresent in industrial as well as natural configurations.
Understanding the behaviour of solid particles interacting with liquid–air flows can be of …

Optimization of particle–bubble collision dynamics in turbulence via clustering algorithms and microscale vortex enrichment analysis

X Yang, Q Liu, Y Wang, B Zhou, Z Li, L Wang, Y **ng… - Physics of …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
The interaction dynamics between particles and bubbles in turbulent flow fields are crucial
for optimizing multiphase flow systems. In this work, direct numerical simulation is combined …

Collision dynamics of particles and bubbles in gravity‐driven flotation: A DNS investigation

B Tiedemann, J Fröhlich - PAMM, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This paper presents a numerical method to study the collision process of mineral particles
and air bubbles in flotation cells. A bubble‐resolved and particle‐modelled direct numerical …

Flotation performance and flow characteristics of a novel two-stage turbulent micro-bubble cell for fine particle recovery

S Gao, S Li, Y Sun, Q Lu, X Yang, X Gui… - International Journal of …, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
Flotation is one of the key methods to recover fine minerals, yet significant challenges persist
in achieving effective recovery and separation of fine minerals. In this study, a novel two …

How turbulence increases the bubble-particle collision rate

L Jiang, D Krug - arxiv preprint arxiv:2407.02234, 2024 - arxiv.org
We study the effect of turbulence on collisions between a finite-size bubble and small inertial
particles based on interface-resolved simulations. Our results show that the interaction with …

The effect of gravity on bubble-particle collisions in turbulence

TTK Chan, D Krug - arxiv preprint arxiv:2410.01557, 2024 - arxiv.org
Bubble-particle collisions in turbulence are key to the froth flotation process that is employed
industrially on a vast scale to separate hydrophobic from hydrophilic materials. In our …

Euler/Euler/Lagrange model development for the numerical simulation of multiphase flows loaded with particles

F Baraglia - 2024 - theses.hal.science
This manuscript sums up work carried out during a thesis at the MFEE department of EDF
R&D on liquid-gas flows laden with dispersed particles under the supervision of Olivier …

Direct Numerical Simulation of Collision Events in Flotation Under the Influence of Gravity

B Tiedemann, J Fröhlich - Available at SSRN 4949085 - papers.ssrn.com
The collisions between particles and bubbles are decisive for the performance of flotation
processes. In this work the results of gravity-driven, bubble-resolved, and particle-modelled …

[PDF][PDF] A new analytical model for particle-bubble collision in flotation processes

M Kreuseler, B Tiedemann, J Fröhlich - min-eng.com
Analytical models to predict particle-bubble collision frequencies are a key ingredient in the
simulation of industrial flotation processes. Based on a review of existing collision models …