Selective capture and ingestion of particles by suspension-feeding bivalve molluscs: a review
Suspension-feeding bivalve molluscs are foundation species in coastal intertidal systems.
The selective feeding capabilities of these animals can have a large influence on …
The selective feeding capabilities of these animals can have a large influence on …
Sinking Organic Particles in the Ocean—Flux Estimates From in situ Optical Devices
Optical particle measurements are emerging as an important technique for understanding
the ocean carbon cycle, including contributions to estimates of their downward flux, which …
the ocean carbon cycle, including contributions to estimates of their downward flux, which …
Salp blooms drive strong increases in passive carbon export in the Southern Ocean
Abstract The Southern Ocean contributes substantially to the global biological carbon pump
(BCP). Salps in the Southern Ocean, in particular Salpa thompsoni, are important grazers …
(BCP). Salps in the Southern Ocean, in particular Salpa thompsoni, are important grazers …
Contribution of anthropogenic and natural sources to atmospheric methane variability
Methane is an important greenhouse gas, and its atmospheric concentration has nearly
tripled since pre-industrial times. The growth rate of atmospheric methane is determined by …
tripled since pre-industrial times. The growth rate of atmospheric methane is determined by …
Marine aggregates facilitate ingestion of nanoparticles by suspension-feeding bivalves
JE Ward, DJ Kach - Marine environmental research, 2009 - Elsevier
As the application of nanomaterials to science and technology grows, the need to
understand any ecotoxicological effects becomes increasingly important. Recent studies on …
understand any ecotoxicological effects becomes increasingly important. Recent studies on …
Small phytoplankton and carbon export from the surface ocean
Autotrophic picoplankton dominate primary production over large oceanic regions but are
believed to contribute relatively little to carbon export from surface layers. Using analyses of …
believed to contribute relatively little to carbon export from surface layers. Using analyses of …
Empirical and mechanistic models for the particle export ratio
JP Dunne, RA Armstrong… - Global …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
We present new empirical and mechanistic models for predicting the export of organic
carbon out of the surface ocean by sinking particles. To calibrate these models, we have …
carbon out of the surface ocean by sinking particles. To calibrate these models, we have …
Pathways of organic carbon downward transport by the oceanic biological carbon pump
FAC Le Moigne - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019 - frontiersin.org
The oceanic biological carbon pump (BCP) regulates the Earth carbon cycle by transporting
part of the photosynthetically fixed CO2 into the deep ocean. Suppressing this mechanism …
part of the photosynthetically fixed CO2 into the deep ocean. Suppressing this mechanism …
Exploring the ecology of the mesopelagic biological pump
The oceans' biological pump (BP) exports large amounts of particulate organic carbon
(POC) to the mesopelagic zone (base of the euphotic zone–1000 m depth). The efficiency at …
(POC) to the mesopelagic zone (base of the euphotic zone–1000 m depth). The efficiency at …
[HTML][HTML] Observations of carbon export by small sinking particles in the upper mesopelagic
Carbon and nutrients are transported out of the surface ocean and sequestered at depth by
sinking particles. Sinking particle sizes span many orders of magnitude and the relative …
sinking particles. Sinking particle sizes span many orders of magnitude and the relative …