Impact of space weather on climate and habitability of terrestrial-type exoplanets
The search for life in the Universe is a fundamental problem of astrobiology and modern
science. The current progress in the detection of terrestrial-type exoplanets has opened a …
science. The current progress in the detection of terrestrial-type exoplanets has opened a …
The habitability of proxima centauri bI. irradiation, rotation and volatile inventory from formation to the present
Proxima b is a planet with a minimum mass of 1.3M⊕ orbiting within the habitable zone (HZ)
of Proxima Centauri, a very low-mass, active star and the Sun's closest neighbor. Here we …
of Proxima Centauri, a very low-mass, active star and the Sun's closest neighbor. Here we …
Modeling climate diversity, tidal dynamics and the fate of volatiles on TRAPPIST-1 planets
TRAPPIST-1 planets are invaluable for the study of comparative planetary science outside
our solar system and possibly habitability. Both transit timing variations (TTV) of the planets …
our solar system and possibly habitability. Both transit timing variations (TTV) of the planets …
3D climate modeling of close-in land planets: circulation patterns, climate moist bistability, and habitability
The inner edge of the classical habitable zone is often defined by the critical flux needed to
trigger the runaway greenhouse instability. This 1D notion of a critical flux, however, may not …
trigger the runaway greenhouse instability. This 1D notion of a critical flux, however, may not …
A dynamically-packed planetary system around GJ 667C with three super-Earths in its habitable zone
Context. Since low-mass stars have low luminosities, orbits at which liquid water can exist
on Earth-sized planets are relatively close-in, which produces Doppler signals that are …
on Earth-sized planets are relatively close-in, which produces Doppler signals that are …
Deformation and tidal evolution of close-in planets and satellites using a Maxwell viscoelastic rheology
In this paper we present a new approach to tidal theory. Assuming a Maxwell viscoelastic
rheology, we compute the instantaneous deformation of celestial bodies using a differential …
rheology, we compute the instantaneous deformation of celestial bodies using a differential …
Atmosphere-interior exchange on hot, rocky exoplanets
We provide estimates of atmospheric pressure and surface composition on short-period,
rocky exoplanets with dayside magma pools and silicate-vapor atmospheres. Atmospheric …
rocky exoplanets with dayside magma pools and silicate-vapor atmospheres. Atmospheric …
Tidal insights into rocky and icy bodies: An introduction and overview
Bodily tides provide key information on the interior structure, evolution, and origin of the
planetary bodies. Our Solar system harbors a very diverse population of planetary bodies …
planetary bodies. Our Solar system harbors a very diverse population of planetary bodies …
Tidal friction and tidal lagging. Applicability limitations of a popular formula for the tidal torque
Tidal torques play a key role in rotational dynamics of celestial bodies. They govern these
bodies' tidal despinning and also participate in the subtle process of entrapment of these …
bodies' tidal despinning and also participate in the subtle process of entrapment of these …
Io's tidal response precludes a shallow magma ocean
Io experiences tidal deformation as a result of its eccentric orbit around Jupiter, which
provides a primary energy source for Io's continuing volcanic activity and infrared emission …
provides a primary energy source for Io's continuing volcanic activity and infrared emission …