[BOOK][B] Handling emotions in human-computer dialogues

J Pittermann, A Pittermann, W Minker - 2010 - Springer
During the past years the “mystery” of emotions has increasingly attracted interest in
research on human–computer interaction. In this work we investigate the problem of how to …

[BOOK][B] Extraction and representation of prosody for speaker, speech and language recognition

L Mary - 2011 - books.google.com
Extraction and Representation of Prosodic Features for Speech Processing Applications
deals with prosody from speech processing point of view with topics including: The …

Hierarchical neural networks and enhanced class posteriors for social signal classification

R Brueckner, B Schuller - 2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the impressive advances of deep learning in recent years the interest in neural
networks has resurged in the fields of automatic speech recognition and emotion …

On the distribution of saliency

A Berengolts, M Lindenbaum - IEEE transactions on pattern …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Detecting salient structures is a basic task in perceptual organization. Saliency algorithms
typically mark edge-points with some saliency measure, which grows with the length and …

Exploiting prosodic and lexical features for tone modeling in a conditional random field framework

H Wei, X Wang, H Wu, D Luo… - 2008 IEEE International …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Tonal cues play an important role in distinguishing ambiguous words in Mandarin speech
recognition. This paper explores an innovative tone modeling framework using prosodic and …

SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering

A Neustein - Speech Technology, 2011 - Springer
The importance of word sense disambiguation (WSD) has been well recognised in
computational linguistics since the inception of the discipline. Throughout these years …

[PDF][PDF] Improved large vocabulary Mandarin speech recognition by selectively using tone information with a two-stage prosodic model.

LW Cheng, LS Lee - INTERSPEECH, 2008 - isca-archive.org
The incorporation of prosodic information in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition
has attracted much attention in recent years, especially for a tonal language such as …

Improved large vocabulary Mandarin speech recognition using prosodic and lexical information in maximum entropy framework

C Ni, W Liu, B Xu - 2009 Chinese Conference on Pattern …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Tone plays an important role in distinguishing ambiguous words in Chinese Mandarin
speech recognition. In this paper, we make full use of pitch information. On the one hand, we …

Hybrid approach to speech–emotion recognition

J Pittermann, A Pittermann, W Minker… - Handling Emotions in …, 2010 - Springer
In order to be able to be responsive to the user, it is vital for human–computer interfaces to
correctly determine a user's current emotional state. To perform this emotion recognition, a …

[PDF][PDF] Learning tone distinctions for Mandarin Chinese.

D Weenink, G Chen, Z Chen, S de Konink, D Vierkant… - Interspeech, 2007 - Citeseer
We describe the SpeakGoodChinese system that supports beginning students of Mandarin
Chinese to produce tones correctly (http://speakgoodchinese. org/). Students pronounce a …