The Bayesian earthquake analysis tool
The Bayesian earthquake analysis tool (BEAT) is an open‐source Python software to
conduct source‐parameter estimation studies for crustal deformation events, such as …
conduct source‐parameter estimation studies for crustal deformation events, such as …
High-resolution co-seismic fault offsets of the 2023 Türkiye earthquake ruptures using satellite imagery
Abstract On February 6, 2023, southern Türkiye was struck by two large earthquakes at 01:
17 UTC (Mw= 7.8, Pazarcık, Kahramanmaraş) and 10: 30 UTC (Mw= 7.6, Elbistan …
17 UTC (Mw= 7.8, Pazarcık, Kahramanmaraş) and 10: 30 UTC (Mw= 7.6, Elbistan …
Broadband Dynamic Rupture Modeling With Fractal Fault Roughness, Frictional Heterogeneity, Viscoelasticity and Topography: The 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice, Italy …
Advances in physics‐based earthquake simulations, utilizing high‐performance computing,
have been exploited to better understand the generation and characteristics of the high …
have been exploited to better understand the generation and characteristics of the high …
Distribution of interseismic coupling along the North and East Anatolian Faults inferred from InSAR and GPS data
Abstract The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) has produced numerous major earthquakes. After
decades of quiescence, the M w 6.8 Elazığ earthquake (24 January 2020) has recently …
decades of quiescence, the M w 6.8 Elazığ earthquake (24 January 2020) has recently …
Bayesian inversion of finite‐fault earthquake slip model using geodetic data, solving for non‐planar fault geometry, variable slip, and data weighting
A precise finite‐fault model including the fault geometry and slip distribution is essential to
understand the physics of an earthquake. However, the conventional linear inversion of …
understand the physics of an earthquake. However, the conventional linear inversion of …
Bayesian Dynamic Finite‐Fault Inversion: 2. Application to the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice, Italy, Earthquake
Abstract In 2016 Central Italy was struck by a sequence of three normal‐faulting
earthquakes with moment magnitude (Mw) larger than 6. The Mw 6.2 Amatrice event (24 …
earthquakes with moment magnitude (Mw) larger than 6. The Mw 6.2 Amatrice event (24 …
Accounting for theory errors with empirical Bayesian noise models in nonlinear centroid moment tensor estimation
Centroid moment tensor (CMT) parameters can be estimated from seismic waveforms. Since
these data indirectly observe the deformation process, CMTs are inferred as solutions to …
these data indirectly observe the deformation process, CMTs are inferred as solutions to …
Origin of the shallow slip deficit on a strike slip fault: Influence of elastic structure, topography, data coverage, and noise
Numerous fault slip models for several large strike-slip earthquakes indicate a reduction of
slip along the uppermost part of the fault (Shallow Slip Deficit, SSD). In this paper, we …
slip along the uppermost part of the fault (Shallow Slip Deficit, SSD). In this paper, we …
Bayesian dynamic finite‐fault inversion: 1. Method and synthetic test
Dynamic earthquake source inversions aim to determine the spatial distribution of initial
stress and friction parameters leading to dynamic rupture models that reproduce observed …
stress and friction parameters leading to dynamic rupture models that reproduce observed …
A grand challenge international infrastructure for earthquake science
Scientific communities need cutting-edge collaborative observational facilities to test models
and to enable ground-breaking discoveries. The acquisition of fundamental new data often …
and to enable ground-breaking discoveries. The acquisition of fundamental new data often …