Effect of welding parameters on bead characteristics and mechanical properties of wire and arc additive manufactured inconel 718
In this study, a bi-directional, low-cost, gas metal arc welding (GMAW) based wire arc
additive manufacturing (WAAM) setup is used to deposit aerospace-grade super-alloy …
additive manufacturing (WAAM) setup is used to deposit aerospace-grade super-alloy …
Double-wire tandem GMAW welding process of HSLA50 steel
Tandem welding process employs double wire feed in a single torch, providing increased
deposition rate and consequent reduction in process times. However, the process …
deposition rate and consequent reduction in process times. However, the process …
[PDF][PDF] Cold wire gas metal arc welding: Droplet transfer and geometry
The metal transfer dynamics induced by cold wire additions were examined during the three
natural transfer modes in welding: short circuit (low arc power), globular (intermediate arc …
natural transfer modes in welding: short circuit (low arc power), globular (intermediate arc …
Residual stresses in cold-wire gas metal arc welding
This work compares the welding residual stresses of the cold-wire gas metal arc welding
and conventional gas metal arc welding processes. Two techniques were used to measure …
and conventional gas metal arc welding processes. Two techniques were used to measure …
An overview on the cold wire pulsed gas metal arc welding
The demand to join newer and higher strength materials has motivated the development of
controlled arc current waveforms in order to control deposition and heat input. Controlled …
controlled arc current waveforms in order to control deposition and heat input. Controlled …
Fatigue life assessment of weld joints manufactured by GMAW and CW-GMAW processes
The fatigue strength of weld joints manufactured using gas metal arc welding and cold wire
GMAW (CW-GMAW) was evaluated under stress-controlled cyclic loading. The material …
GMAW (CW-GMAW) was evaluated under stress-controlled cyclic loading. The material …
The effect of pulsed cold-wire feeding on the performance of spray GMAW
The application of pulsed cold-wire (P-CW) feeding has been one of the new approaches for
arc welding over the past years. Such technique applied to GTAW shows that it can …
arc welding over the past years. Such technique applied to GTAW shows that it can …
Application of cold wire gas metal arc welding for narrow gap welding (NGW) of high strength low alloy steel
Narrow gap welding is a prevalent technique used to decrease the volume of molten metal
and heat required to fill a joint. Consequently, deleterious effects such as distortion and …
and heat required to fill a joint. Consequently, deleterious effects such as distortion and …
Feasibility of narrow gap welding using the cold-wire gas metal arc welding (CW-GMAW) process
This article evaluates the performance of the cold-wire gas metal arc welding (CW-GMAW)
process for narrow gap girth welding. The CW-GMAW process is characterized by the …
process for narrow gap girth welding. The CW-GMAW process is characterized by the …
The effect of iron-based hardfacing with chromium powder addition onto low carbon steel
B Srikarun, P Muangjunburee - Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018 - Elsevier
Hardfacing with the martensitic electrode is the interesting way for prolonged life of severe
wear in machine parts and very useful in industries because it is easier and lower cost than …
wear in machine parts and very useful in industries because it is easier and lower cost than …