Large deviations of subgraph counts for sparse Erdős–Rényi graphs
For any fixed simple graph H=(V, E) and any fixed u> 0, we establish the leading order of the
exponential rate function for the probability that the number of copies of H in the Erdős …
exponential rate function for the probability that the number of copies of H in the Erdős …
Full large deviation principles for the largest eigenvalue of sub-Gaussian Wigner matrices
We establish precise upper-tail asymptotics and large deviation principles for the rightmost
eigenvalue $\lambda_1 $ of Wigner matrices with sub-Gaussian entries. In contrast to the …
eigenvalue $\lambda_1 $ of Wigner matrices with sub-Gaussian entries. In contrast to the …
Large deviation principle for the largest eigenvalue of random matrices with a variance profile
We establish large deviation principles for the largest eigenvalue of large random matrices
with variance profiles. For $ N\in\mathbb N $, we consider random $ N\times N $ symmetric …
with variance profiles. For $ N\in\mathbb N $, we consider random $ N\times N $ symmetric …
The Spectral Edge of Constant Degree Erd\H {o} sR\'{e} nyi Graphs
We show that for an Erd\H {o} sR\'{e} nyi graph on $ N $ vertices with expected degree $ d $
satisfying $\log^{-1/9} N\leq d\leq\log^{1/40} N $, the largest eigenvalues can be precisely …
satisfying $\log^{-1/9} N\leq d\leq\log^{1/40} N $, the largest eigenvalues can be precisely …
Spectral edge in sparse random graphs: Upper and lower tail large deviations
In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the joint upper and lower tail large
deviations of the edge eigenvalues of an Erdős–Rényi random graph G n, p, in the regime of …
deviations of the edge eigenvalues of an Erdős–Rényi random graph G n, p, in the regime of …
Upper Tail Large Deviations of Regular Subgraph Counts in Erdős‐Rényi Graphs in the Full Localized Regime
For a‐regular connected graph H the problem of determining the upper tail large deviation
for the number of copies of H in, an Erdős‐Rényi graph on n vertices with edge probability p …
for the number of copies of H in, an Erdős‐Rényi graph on n vertices with edge probability p …
Spectral large deviations of sparse random matrices
Eigenvalues of Wigner matrices has been a major topic of investigation. A particularly
important subclass of such random matrices, useful in many applications, are what are …
important subclass of such random matrices, useful in many applications, are what are …
Regularity method and large deviation principles for the Erdős–Rényi hypergraph
We develop a quantitative large deviations theory for random hypergraphs, which rests on
tensor decomposition and counting lemmas under a novel family of cut-type norms. As our …
tensor decomposition and counting lemmas under a novel family of cut-type norms. As our …
Large deviations for the largest eigenvalue of matrices with variance profiles
J Husson - Electronic Journal of Probability, 2022 - projecteuclid.org
In this article we consider Wigner matrices (XN) N∈ N with variance profiles which are of the
form XN (i, j)= σ (i∕ N, j∕ N) ai, j∕ N where σ is a symmetric real positive function of [0, 1] 2 …
form XN (i, j)= σ (i∕ N, j∕ N) ai, j∕ N where σ is a symmetric real positive function of [0, 1] 2 …
Large deviations for the largest eigenvalue of Gaussian networks with constant average degree
Large deviation behavior of the largest eigenvalue λ 1 of Wigner matrices including those
arising from an Erdős-Rényi random graph G n, p with iid random conductances on the …
arising from an Erdős-Rényi random graph G n, p with iid random conductances on the …