[HTML][HTML] A review of EEG signal features and their application in driver drowsiness detection systems

I Stancin, M Cifrek, A Jovic - Sensors, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
Detecting drowsiness in drivers, especially multi-level drowsiness, is a difficult problem that
is often approached using neurophysiological signals as the basis for building a reliable …

Trends in GeTe thermoelectrics: from fundamentals to applications

M Li, XL Shi, ZG Chen - Advanced Functional Materials, 2024‏ - Wiley Online Library
Germanium telluride (GeTe) with ultrafast ferroelectric transition, Rashba‐like electronic
transport, and anomalous phonon anharmonicity are historically studied for potential …

Fractal photonic topological insulators

T Biesenthal, LJ Maczewsky, Z Yang, M Kremer… - Science, 2022‏ - science.org
Topological insulators constitute a newly characterized state of matter that contains scatter-
free edge states surrounding an insulating bulk. Conventional wisdom regards the insulating …

Connecting theory and simulation with experiment for the study of diffusion in nanoporous solids

BC Bukowski, FJ Keil, PI Ravikovitch, G Sastre… - Adsorption, 2021‏ - Springer
Nanoporous solids are ubiquitous in chemical, energy, and environmental processes, where
controlled transport of molecules through the pores plays a crucial role. They are used as …


AK Golmankhaneh - 2023‏ - World Scientific
Many phenomena in physics and engineering have fractal structures; then analysis on them
has a vital role in the application. In this chapter, we present some frameworks of analysis on …

Diameter of the world-wide web

R Albert, H Jeong, AL Barabási - nature, 1999‏ - nature.com
Despite its increasing role in communication, the World-Wide Web remains uncontrolled:
any individual or institution can create a website with any number of documents and links …

[ספר][B] Fractal concepts in surface growth

AL Barabási, HE Stanley - 1995‏ - books.google.com
The use of fractal concepts in understanding various growth phenomena, such as molecular
beam epitaxy (MBE) or fluid flow in porous media, is increasingly important these days. This …

[ספר][B] Complex networks: structure, robustness and function

R Cohen, S Havlin - 2010‏ - books.google.com
Examining important results and analytical techniques, this graduate-level textbook is a step-
by-step presentation of the structure and function of complex networks. Using a range of …

[ספר][B] The structure and dynamics of networks

M Newman, AL Barabási, DJ Watts - 2011‏ - degruyter.com
From the Internet to networks of friendship, disease transmission, and even terrorism, the
concept--and the reality--of networks has come to pervade modern society. But what exactly …

Characterization of complex networks: A survey of measurements

LF Costa, FA Rodrigues, G Travieso… - Advances in …, 2007‏ - Taylor & Francis
Each complex network (or class of networks) presents specific topological features which
characterize its connectivity and highly influence the dynamics of processes executed on the …